Thursday, March 12, 2009

The One Sure Thing…Jesus!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8
I have heard the saying many times in my life that "the only sure thing in life is change".  I can say that on many levels that is true.  Everything in life changes.  Who our friends are, where we work, where we go to church.  Our attitudes evolve, our children grow up, parents pass away, our families get closer or sometimes more distant. As I was sitting in a board meeting at my work yesterday, the concept of just how much change has affected every area of my life was displayed in front of me.  The people sitting around the conference tables were all new.  Not necessarily new to me, but new to the positions which brought them to this meeting.  All of us had come up through the ranks together.  We all had experienced struggles, had done our share of complaining about how it would be different if we were in charge.  We all at one time or another had thought that we would forever be stuck in the position we were in years ago, doing the same old thing.  When we were young and just starting out, it was so difficult to see what could be and to realize that nothing stays the same forever.  We couldn't see then that what we were going through, the road we were traveling was just for a season. 
In reality, we will always be changing and evolving.  People, no matter how honorable their intentions will undoubtedly fail us at some point because they are human.  As they experience life they will adapt and adjust not always making the right or best choice.  We need to grow and move to keep us from becoming stagnant in our faith and relationship with God with others.  As we travel the roads of our lives, choosing the direction we should go, we need a focal point that helps us to keep our bearings.  Something that always points true north and would never steer us wrong.  Someone who is steadfast and secure, who will not leave by choice or by death.  An anchor to keep us from drifting too far of course and provides a lifeline to pull us back when we wander.  For me, that is God and his Word.
According to the Bible, the infallible Word of God, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His love is pure and immeasurable.  His strength never wanes. His promise is unquestionable.   Although life is sure to be consistently different from one day or even one moment to the next, God is always the same.  I find comfort and security in knowing Him and knowing He is for me.
Thank you Lord, that today I have you!  Today I can call on you to lead me, to shine light in the darkness, to pull me out of a pit when I fall in, slide in or even jump in. Thank you for being my lifeline and extending it to me even though I do not deserve it.