That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" Mark 4:35-41
In the bible study I am currently working on, these verses were used as part of the daily study. I have read and reread and pondered and meditated on them for a few days now. Sometimes it takes time for truth to seep its way into my heart and mind, for it to dig deep and take residence there. The lesson was all about how I respond to the 'storms' of life. Not necessarily physical storms, but emotional and spiritual storms. Those times in life when I struggle to breath because the I feel circumstances crushing in around me, or I battle with the choices I need to make when the good of the Spirit pulls one direction and the sinful self pulls the opposite.
In this lesson, the author asked a question concerning recent storms in my life. A list of words were given to describe the storm and I was to pick the word or words to describe it best. Thunderstorm, Flood, Tornado, Earthquake, Hurricane, Tidal Wave, Downpour, Windstorm, Black Cloud, Volcano. Then I was to complete the following sentence by filling in the blanks. My storm is like _____, because..._________. This is my explanation.
My storm is like a Black Cloud looming, then a Downpour and resulting flood, because after the long enduring downpour the flood and its effects remain needing constant action to keep my head above the water line and cleanup for a while yet to come.
Although the other words could describe my storm, these seemed to capture the longevity of the situation. Sometimes the storms come quick with no warning at all. In my case I saw it coming, tried to prepare for it and now I must ride it out continuing to bail the water out of my boat to keep myself afloat. In my boat I have stocked up some supplies that I need and that I can share with those around me to keep them alive and give them a ray of hope in this dark time.
My supplies. Because I saw this Black Cloud hovering over I began preparation for it long before the storm hit. Like any good emergency service worker I knew there were non-perishables I could stock up on and communication equipment that would be vital to my existence. The only truly non-perishable I know of for this kind of storm is Jesus. He is always there, always the same and never ever lets go. What I need to do is to invite Him in and to have faith. My faith needed to be strong and in preparation for this storm I took extra measures to know Him better. To remind myself of who He really is in my life. He is my shelter and my refuge. My Prince of Peace. He is my portion. I had to know this deep inside and have no doubt if I was to weather this storm. I had to know, unlike the disciples in the verse in Mark that He was not only with me but He does indeed care about me.
Second I needed the communication equipment. In this case that is prayer and the Bible. My own lines of communication of course by spending time in prayer, reading and studying the Word, but also the prayers of the faithful. I asked many of my friends and church family to lift me and my family up in prayer before, during and after the storm hit. This act of simple faith has been priceless and irreplaceable to me. It has given me such a sense of peace and comfort throughout.
Because of the pre-planning, my boat has stayed afloat on the flood of circumstances and emotions that resulted. I have been using the provisions to bail the dirty water the enemy tosses into my vessel back out into the murky flood. I have faith that Jesus has control over this situation and I know that in time He will command the flood waters to subside. Until then, I will continue to hold fast to the Word, keep my prayer lines open and active and be willing to share my provisions with those who will listen. I know that not all storms are foreseeable but the preparation can be done daily any way. Because storms are not just possible, they are inevitable I know I must stay prepared by staying close to Jesus.
Lord I thank you that you are closer than a brother. I thank you that you do care and are always with me. I pray that today I will hand over my storm worries to you and continue to trust in your wisdom and strength.
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