Saturday, March 21, 2009

I know the Truth..It Comforts me.

Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;

guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5

I am forever thankful that God teaches me to walk in his path. He ordained my life before my existence on this earth. He knows the numbers of my days. So who am I to question that He would know best? I take comfort in His guidance. I find reassurance in knowing that He is God and by trusting in Him who can do more than I could ever ask or imagine I will not need for anything. My hope is in Him, in who He is not just what He does. I know the truth. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega. My Almighty God and Heavenly Father, my God, my Savior. In Him alone do I put my trust and pledge my undying love and obedience.

Thank you Lord for just being and allowing me to know you. Thank you for your sacrifice of your Son so that our relationship would be possible. I trust you this day and ask that you guide me in the way you would have me to go. Give me wisdom and discernment, fill me with your gentle spirit and allow me to see with eyes of faith what is possible by your power instead of stumbling blocks in my path. I know that no matter what this day brings God, you are in control of it. You will provide whatever is needed at the proper time if I just trust and believe in you, seeking you first.

My prayer for you this morning is that the truth, the real facts of who God is in your lives will find its way deep into your soul this morning and bring you great joy, hope and peace. No matter what you are facing, and I know some of you have sadness and hurts on your hearts this day, He is greater than all of that. He desires to comfort you and encourage you. He will give to you whatever you need if you seek Him as He offers to hide you in the shadow of his wings allowing you rest. Go to Him my friends. He is your hope.