During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.
Hebrews 5:7-8
It is impressed on my heart this morning how important our response to suffering in difficult times actually is. Jesus, the One and Only Son of God, spent much of his time in private prayer. He performed great miracles. He had a servants heart in all situations. Yet, he was not saved from suffering.
As He ministered to the disciples he was ridiculed at times and mocked. Even in his public ministry he was questioned and shunned by the people of his own home town. As I think on these things I can't help but imagine what my own reaction would have been. What feelings course through me when I meet with vocal opposition and critical opinion in my daily life. It is a human reaction for sure for our feelings to be hurt when our efforts are rejected by those we are trying to come along side offering assistance to. My heart is broken and I become unsure of my abilities and may even question my motives or my calling.
Jesus, although fully God was also fully human so I believe it to be reasonable to think he too felt the sting of rejection. He felt the sharp pain in his spirit when his good intentions were spurned. As I read and study his life in ministry up to and including the cross, I realize it is about how he used and communicated those emotions. He cried out to God in prayer as he learned and modeled obedience and submission to his Heavenly Father. He took what was meant for evil and used it for good.
Through each challenge, each struggle, each hurt He received lessons of faith. He became able to trust God with growing understanding and a deeper love. As his relationship grew and his experiences varied he was being prepared for the ultimate test of submission and obedience. We may not all be asked to offer up our physical lives for God, but we are asked to give up something in our lives. And, we may even have to say goodbye to some we love in the process. We are not expected to comprehend the why of all situations, just to trust that God knows best and be willing to focus on Him through our circumstances.
I'm certainly not saying that all suffering is the result of evil, sometimes it is necessary for us to grow in our faith. The grand plan of God is too much for any of us to even begin to fathom let alone understand, but I do believe God uses the bumps in the road or the mountains in our path to give us opportunities to learn, to share and to grow. In all circumstances, he wants us to communicate with him in prayer, just as Jesus did. Sometimes as a group, but most often on our own in private quiet times with Him so we can be open and honest, listening for His reply. Following Jesus' model this communication needs to be consistent and faithful. Through discipline in prayer and study, we can learn obedience and submission particularly in times of struggle, because we have built a solid foundation for communication with God.
Let's start building our foundation on the Rock!
God I thank your for sending Jesus to be the author of my faith. Through studying your Word and communicating with you I can learn just as Jesus did to trust you completely and to live in obedient submission. There is nothing too big, too hard or too trivial in my life that you would not want me to share with you in prayer. I praise you today God and ask for your guidance and wisdom.
I pray each of you have a moment of private time with God today. He is waiting patiently for you to start the conversation and if you still your minds and hearts, he will finish it with a word just for you!
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