Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let Freedom Ring

You, my brothers, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.  The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."  Galatians 5:13-14

Each of us is called to be free in Christ.  He desires for us to accept his gift of salvation and offer our obedience as a result.  Once we make a decision for Jesus we are freed from the bondage of sin and death.  We are no longer doomed to an eternity of darkness and torment, but a forever with our Lord in Heaven.

As we live our lives we are called to act out our faith in loving ways.  Although we are freed, we are not exempt from the attraction and temptation of sin.  The enemy will most certainly continue his attempts to persuade and manipulate.  Part of that is trying to convince us that freedom means we can do whatever we want, whenever and where ever we want to do it.

In America we live a self-entitled existence.  Over generations we have convinced ourselves we deserve it.  In the name of free speech, and freedom of expression we have allowed hurtful and damaging information and images to be broadcast into our public airwaves and printed in public view.  Freedom of religion has resulted in limiting of religious freedom for some by taking away the right to pray in schools and public events.  Instead of standing by, we should be bold and courageous and take a stand even when it is not popular.  Too many compromises of our values have plunged us into the predicament we are now experiencing.

Freedom in Christ is what we as believers, followers, disciples of Jesus are entitled to.  That simply means that we are free to love one another as He commanded us to do.  We should hold others in higher regard than ourselves.  We should not walk through life with blinders on and watch out only for ourselves.  We should be motivated by love and not by criticism and condemnation.  We should be looking for the good in others, building them up and not tearing them down.  We should strive to live as examples to others of what a Christian is to encourage them and be the flesh of Christ before there eyes.  We should, in love, take a stand and be bold in our faith when needed.

Let's claim our victory in Jesus and live in the freedom it affords by being true to Him and serving others in His name for his glory!

God thank you today for the freedom you have given me.  Thank you for the men and women who are fighting today, this minute, to protect that right of physical freedom and the right I have to worship you.  Help me to remember your Word and be faithful to live a life that brings glory and honor to you.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No Coincidences, just Faith

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. Exodus 14:21-22

For centuries science has tried to explain this miracle recorded in the Bible. Scholars have used everything from weather patterns to chalking it up to an over embellished story passed down through generations of human beings. But the truth is, they cannot explain it away as a coincidence nor can they disprove the validity of the event. The texts of the Bible from the five books of Moses are indisputable in their age and authorship. So why do you suppose people continue to try to discount the record?

People have not changed that much over the centuries. Yes, our culture, our way of life has, but the basic humanity in all of us has not. We still have a driving desire to try and explain everything. We simply refuse to accept that some things are just not meant for our understanding or our explanation. Even in today's world of advanced science and knowledge there are events and happenings that are beyond our ability to rationalize. When that happens, instead of just accepting that God is in control and allowing that to be our "why" answer we still search for a more tangible reason.

If you look at life through your human eyes, you will no doubt see many inexplicable occurrences even in your everyday life. However, if you use your eyes of faith, God will allow you to see those same events from his perspective. All you have to do is ask and believe. I know in my own life there have been instances both life changing and minute that when looking back I realized that the only explanation I needed was faith. God had and still has a plan for my life. He knows what he is doing even when I do not. I have to trust him to do what is necessary and be willing to walk in obedience even when it doesn't make much sense to me. I have learned that there are no coincidences in my life. There is always a reason, I just do not always understand what that reason is.

Heavenly Father, God, thank you for caring and for loving me enough to have a plan. I thank you guiding me in the direction I should go and nudging me, sometimes pushing me, toward the goal. Help me to see your hand at work in my life and the lives of those around me. Help me to recognize the 'coincidences' as your handiwork and not try to explain it as anything else.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sacrificial Thank Offerings

He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me,
and he prepares the way
so that I may show him the salvation of God." Psalm 50:5
the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever." For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,' says the LORD. Jeremiah 33:11
What does it mean to 'sacrifice thank offerings' to God? If we are showing and communicating our thankfulness how then is that a sacrifice? Interesting questions, I believe, however answering is not the difficult part,
following through with the answer is.
Thank offerings are words and ways in which we express to God our grateful attitude for all that he has given us, done for and through us and accomplished in this world. It can be simple 'popcorn prayer"
thrown up at a moment when time is short. It can be a heartfelt plea to our loving God on bended knee.  However, I believe that the best way to show our thanks is to make a sacrifice of some sort. We can sacrifice our time, our talent, our possessions or our money.
When we sacrifice our time we are devoting time that may otherwise be wasted in a worldly sense. Instead of watching television we study the Bible. Instead of going to a movie on Saturday afternoon, we volunteer
at a shelter or food kitchen. Instead of rushing from church on Sunday morning to try and beat the crowds to the restaurants maybe we should find a way to serve at church; help with the children, parking, participate in a bible study group. Finding some way to be an active member in the family of God through service.
Using our talent can be anything from cleaning up, to singing to teaching to rocking babies in the nursery. We all have gifts that God has given us to use to further and to nurture his kingdom. There are many jobs in the church that need to be done that most people never think of, you just need to ask where you can be of use.  We have to be willing to make that
sacrifice of self to step out on faith and take action on it.  If you don't know what it is you are good at, try different things that may sound interesting to you. You just never know where that right fit might be.
Sacrificing our possessions or money is for some most difficult and for others easy. Those who find it difficult sometimes are inhibited by a lack of trust. They don't trust the leadership of the church or organization to which
they are giving to use their gift wisely. Sometimes it is warranted but in most cases its an excuse not to give.  For others, it's the easy way out. They would rather donate in this way to reserve their time for what they consider to be more important. Granted some are truly over burdened with obligations that truly are important, caring for a sick or incapacitated family member or working long hours to provide for the needs of their families. We all need to look long and hard at our sacrificial giving in whatever manner in which we accomplish it. We need to examine our priorities to determine if we are honoring God in our lives by anything other than lip service. Saying thank you is appreciated, but showing thankfulness and gratitude through sacrifice can expand the kingdom and for that there is no greater blessing.
Lord God, I do thank you for all you do and have done in my life.  I thank you for just being the loving, gracious God who created me and provides for my needs.  Please, show me ways to put action to my words God.  Lead me in acts of service to put hands and feet to my faith and further your kingdom.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bless and Keep You!

The LORD said to Moses, 23 "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:
"The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." '
"So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them." Numbers 6:22-27
This scripture is a direct blessing from the one and only Almighty God. He delivered this message to Moses
to give to Aaron and the other Levite priests. This particular blessing has been often quoted and spoken over not only the Jewish community of believers through the centuries but is also a promise of blessing to all believers in Jesus Christ.
When God sent his son Jesus to walk this earth as the pure and spotless lamb of God to be later sacrificed on behalf of all human beings God's promises and blessings were then opened to us all. It's not just the direct descendants of the Jewish tribes of Israel that benefit, but all who call on the name of Jesus. Everyone blood washed one of us who has put our faith and trust in this Savior who's cross of crucifixion built the bridge to span the gaping ravine of sin in our lives that separated us from God. This selfless act
allows us access to a personal relationship with our merciful and gracious God.
Today my friends, if you are saved by the blood of Jesus, I pray this blessing over you.
May the LORD bless and keep you.
May the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
If you have yet to truly put your faith and trust in He who is able, who is gracious, loving and merciful.  He who is all powerful, all knowing, trustworthy and forgiving. I pray this blessing on you as well but to this I add my prayer that you too will find the loving relationship with your Heavenly Father by asking Jesus to be your savior and accepting Him into your heart and your life.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Forgive and Forget

But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:11

Forgiveness is difficult, forgetting, impossible. How many of us have said, "I can forgive but not forget"? As human beings we tend to hold on to the past. Our memories, although not perfect since I sometimes can't remember why I went from one room to the next, are part of what makes us who we are. Our minds hold on to images, scents, sensations, all things that bring back a particular moment in our life experience on this planet. Sometimes the moments are good, heartwarming flashes that give us the warm and fuzzy feeling like being a child wrapped tightly in a quilt by our grandmother. Yet others are upsetting and painful filling us with dread and tears.

As we travel our journey in this human form waiting on eternity we spend day after day making new memories, having new experiences that fill our minds with tidbits of information to look back to. Some of us stop to make intentional memories. We soak in the smell of flowers, cologne, hand lotion, whatever reminds us of a particular person. I will always remember my grandmother every time I smell Jergens hand lotion. When I was little she always had a bottle sitting on her dresser. The cherry almond scent is forever embedded in my mind and it always brings me to her and the way she loved me.

Our memories can be tools for good but they can also be instruments of evil. When we hold on to memories of difficult, hurtful or disastrous moments in our lives and we relive those events not letting them go it becomes a stumbling block for us. If we constantly punish ourselves or others for our past indiscretions and bad decisions or actions we become locked in the pattern of unforgiveness. Although we may never truly forget the past, we must be willing to let go of the pain. We cannot hold on to those moments or seasons allowing them to be our focus if we expect to move past them to a personal relationship with God. We must forgive as he does. In Hebrews 8:12 he says, " For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more". As followers, believers, disciples of Jesus we have been washed, sanctified and justified in his Holy name by the Spirit of God. Even if we think forgiving and forgetting is not probable remember, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Dear God I am so thankful for the reminder today that you can work in and through me. You have washed me of my sins, you have set me apart, sanctified for your purpose and you have justified me through your son Jesus and by your Holy Spirit. It is through you that I have been given the power to forgive and the capacity to forget. Thank you, thank you for helping me move on to better things in you!

If you are stuck somewhere in your past, ask God to help you let go and live! It is beyond the power of the human mind but nothing is impossible with God!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Remarkable, Unsearchable Secrets of God

"This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:2-3 (NIV)
“This is what the Lord says—the Lord who made the earth, who formed and established it, whose name is the Lord: Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come." Jeremiah 33:2-3 (NLT)

Happy Mother's Day my friends! Today, as I look out into the world that God created I see the beauty of nature. I have been watching a family of Robins for the last few weeks as they have grown from two to six. Momma built her nest on the railing of my covered deck in plain view. For the last 4 weeks we have watched as the nest went from empty to being filled with four lovely blue eggs, to four not so lovely hatchlings. Now after only a week and a half we have fat feathery babies bouncing around the porch. This morning two were gone, off flying on their own. By afternoon, they were all out spreading their wings and experiencing the life they were created for.

This verse expresses and reminds me of the truth that God, our creator, knows so much more than we do. It assures us that he hears us and will share the information, his remarkable, unsearchable secrets with us if we ask him in faith. As I have gotten to watch as the miracle of life unfolds in this family of birds, I have thanked God for giving me the opportunity. Since childhood when we got to hatch baby chicks in elementary school we have known the mechanics of such an event. However, this is the first time I have had a front row seat to witness God's provision in such a tangible sweet way. It affirms my belief that God truly is in control and that he does indeed care for his creation right down to the baby birds on my porch. How awesome is that!

In a few short weeks, I will be some what like that mother bird on my porch. The "hatchling" I have nurtured for the last 17 1/2 years will be graduating from high school. She is going to be stretching her wings and expanding her territory as she flies with the Eagles of Morehead State University. I am sad to know that not only to see the empty bird's nest on my porch, but to know that in a very short time my nest too will be empty. But just as I have watched God provide for the needs of these babies through a mother bird, I know that God provided for my baby through me and will continue to do so. Even though she is leaving the nest to test the winds on her own, I know that she is in good hands. I celebrate her independence and trust that the lessons her father and I have tried to teach her will be evident in her choices. I also trust that God will guide her steps and protect her as she moves ever closer to adulthood. I remind myself that this is how it should be. It's what she was born to do; grow, mature under the guidance of her parents so that she too can go and fly freely and one day teach her own children to do the same.

Heavenly Father thank you so much for displaying the wonder of life in front of me these last few weeks. I have seen as these creatures have grown and been provided for by your mighty hand. God, I want to listen to your voice and continue to feel your presence as I have through these wonders of your creation. Help me stay focused on you with a listening heart and an open mind to follow your lead.

Have a blessed Mother's Day and may each of you be as blessed in His presence as I have been! Here's to the mothers of all of God's creatures!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Be Still..

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10


Many people in today's society speak of how busy we are as human beings. This daily grind, so to speak, that keeps us moving from one engagement to another day in and day out rules our time. The speed at which life moves today seems so quick in comparison to times of old. All of the technology, the modes of communication that are constantly
bombarding our senses leave little room for quietness in our lives. The constant barrage of stimuli and demands on our much coveted time seem almost overwhelming making it a necessity to purposefully plan for a few moments of focused devotional time with God.
I have heard and even said myself that today's life is much more hectic and rushed than past generations. However, it occurred to me that although in some ways that may be true, intentionally sitting down and being with God has apparently been an issue since the beginning. This verse from Psalm 46:10 was not recently added to the Word of God to address our current situation. It has always been there. He knew from the beginning that we, as his creations, as human beings, would have attention issues. He told us from the beginning the secret to knowing Him and being connected to Him. We must "be still" and "know" that He is God! We need to stop all the things that distract us and concentrate on recognizing and perceiving the truth of who He is in our lives.  We need to communicate with Him and he with us and the only way we will be able to do that is by blocking out all else and giving Him center stage in our hearts and minds.
God I thank you this morning for knowing me and recognizing the struggle I would have in prioritizing my time to
spend with you.  Thank you for giving me instructions and being faithful to listen and speak when I seek you first.

The instructions are clear, we just have to follow them!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Work in Progress

Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.

When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,

the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.    Psalm 146:3-6

Every time I watch the news I am reminded of just how fallible and unreliable humankind is. Yet, it has been my experience that many people tend to put those they look up to on a pedestal of sorts. The adorning fans of movie stars and music mavens revere them as they expect perfection. The followers of the political leaders and media giants expect nothing short of great wisdom and impeccable decision making. The congregants of popular preachers or evangelists, even Christian based music makers, assume these standouts lead lives above reproach. So many put their faith in people who by virtue of their position, talent and profession are in the public eye.

God's word clearly tells us not to put our trust in "princes, in mortal men, who cannot save". God knows that all human beings are imperfect creatures and they will make bad decisions. These people who are in positions of leadership either by choice or circumstance are still lowly humans. This includes local church leaders, local government, your bible study leaders or pastors. Even, your friends, coworkers and family members are not exceptions.  They will let us and themselves down.

It is easy for us to look to someone else to be an example of what we think 'good' is. It is almost a relief to feel as though we cannot measure up. It takes the pressure off to hold someone else to higher accountability than ourselves. And, when those individuals whom we have put on the pedestal trips, stumbles or falls in a crashing heap we quickly stand in judgment. However, instead of seeing all of their mistakes and deciding that they should have known better, maybe we should look in a mirror.  Looking closely at ourselves before we start casting stones to see that we too are imperfect and have made mistakes.  Would we want to be the one with our lives in all its ugliness displayed in the public eye?

To me, what we must remember, what I have been convicted by, is that by God's grace I am forgiven therefore, I must also forgive.  I must be willing to accept people for who they are and show them the same love and mercy which I have received from a gracious and loving God.  I have received many 'second' chances in my life and I have to be willing to afford others that same opportunity.  God changed me.  He has smoothed some of my rough edges.  He has strengthened some of my weak places and mended many cracks in this simple clay pot.  I am still a work in progress.  I have to remember, we all do, that we are all continuous works in progress in the Master's hands.  I have no room in my life for condemnation and judgment of others for I would be beaten bloody by the stones that could be thrown my way were it not for the sacrifice of Jesus!

God thank you, thank you for your gift of salvation and the forgiveness afforded me through Jesus.  I want always to remember this truth and to see others through your eyes.  Fill my heart Lord with your love and place in me your forgiving spirit.  Let me not think too highly of myself to ever sit in judgment of another but show me ways to encourage the fallen to look to you, for you are our hope!

God is good, all the time...All the time, God is good!  May his grace be sufficient for you today!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

He Hears Me, I Am Free

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity.  Jeremiah 29:12-14

Most of us have heard, quoted and claimed for ourselves the promise made in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  We all want to be reminded in the midst of our hectic and sometimes harried lives that God is in control and is watching out for us.  This morning as I was reading over this promise, reminding myself of God's sovereignty I went a bit farther and found yet another promise that brings me great encouragement and peace.

When I call upon Him and pray to Him he will listen to me!  If I seek Him with all my heart I will find Him.  And, when I find Him he will bring me back from captivity!  Amen to that.  No, I am not in slavery in Babylon as the Israelites were at the time this passage was originally written.  However, I or we have our kinds of captivity that we deal with.  Captivity to sin, addictions, self-doubt, over indulgence, gossip and the list could go on.  Pretty much anything in our lives that is in excess or distracts our attention from the things of God.  Things that do not bring
glory to Him or to his kingdom or are destructive in some way to ourselves and others.

We all have methods of captivity in our lives.  We all do things we should not no matter how small or insignificant, or monumental and life-changing they are.  But the promise made by the One true God is what we need to focus on.  We need to read it, repeat it, take it all in and internalize it until it becomes a part of us.  We need to spend time seeking, praying and believing that God not only hears us, but listens to us!  He cares that he is found by us and he will free us from whatever our particular bondage is.

Thank you God for being that listening ear that I need.  You already know what I have on my heart, but you still listen intently and you promise to help.  My hope is found in you and because of that, I have a bright future ahead of me in you!


Let's seek him with all of our hearts today my friends!  He is our redeemer, our freedom from the trappings of this world and the messes we make in our mistakes.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Testing, Testing….

Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."
Exodus 20:20

Have you ever had a day where things just don't come together?  I'm not talking about major issues, although that certainly has happened to me before, but a day when all the small things just seem off.  A day when from the time you get up out of bed in the morning you feel almost as though the universe is lined up against you.  I had one of those days yesterday and I thought I would take a moment to share my thoughts on this.

As I got up yesterday morning, I just felt tired.  I didn't want to get up.  I had no energy and certainly no enthusiasm for the day ahead.  I finally did get up and when I did I just felt like I was walking in a fog.  I followed my morning routine and took that all important shower, where I should add, I got shampoo in my eyes; this was number 1.  I finished the getting beautified and presentable routine and made my way down the hall to the kitchen for that all important cup of coffee.

I have this new, by-the-cup coffee maker that uses little pods and wouldn't you know it all I had left in my supply was decaf; number 2.  Moving ahead I sit down in my usual spot at the dining room table to do my devotion and all the things I had forgotten to get done the day before come rushing into my mind.  I can't concentrate so I give up on bible study or writing.  I know there is no point when I can't quiet the thoughts in my head long enough to hear from God.  This I am certain is where I made my mistake, where I failed the test of the day.

Many times in my Christian walk I have been bombarded by errant thoughts when I was trying to spend time with my Heavenly Father.  Most of the time instead of reading, writing or any of the usual things I do to try to direct my concentration on the task at hand I try to 'be still' just as the He says in his Word.  When I do this and I try to sit in silence, or at least my own silence, my spirit and my mind calm down and I begin to relax.  I start praying just a few words at a time giving God a chance to speak to my spirit.  But not yesterday.  I forged ahead.  I left for work early so I could run the errand I forgot the day before.  I did not stop and let God become my focus for the day and really give Him center stage.  From that point on, the day was rough and completely off kilter.

Once I got to work I fell into my routine.  I tried to make coffee, made a mess.  I tried to fix my usual bowl of oatmeal and spilled it all over the place. I sat down at my desk to start on my paper work and could not focus.  A co-worker offered me a doughnut which I told her I certainly did not need but ate anyway and not 10 minutes later my pants ripped up the side and I had to go home and change.  And somewhere in there, and I am not sure where, I spilled something on my uniform shirt.  It goes on, but I'm sure you get the gist.  As all of this was going on my patience and attitude were effected.  I got more and more agitated which in turn made the situation worse. 

I am not saying that everyday goes perfectly when I do spend my morning with God.  But what I know is that when I do, the little inconveniences do not grow into monumental messes, at least in my own mind.  I realized later as I was thinking back over the day what was different.  I prayed and asked God to calm me and give me some peace.  This morning I was talking to Him before my feet even hit the floor. And I gave myself enough time to not be rushed so I could spend some time in His quiet presence asking Him to be my compass and give direction to this day.  I hope you do the same.  If you haven't done this yet, do it now.  It makes a world of difference.

Dear God I thank you for being in my life and for guiding me.  I thank you for loving me enough to test my faith and resolve.  It's only through you that I have the strength and the courage to face each day.  When I focus on you first instead of on the busyness of my life things just seem to fall into place and my approach and reaction is tempered by your mercy and grace.  Please be with me today as I walk in your light.  Help me to shine it on those around me and help me to live out the blessing you have so graciously afforded me so that others will see you!

I pray each of you find you special quiet moments with God today.  He alone is in control and can give you what you need for each moment of every day!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Whirlwind of Prayer

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.
James 5:15

These last few days have been a whirlwind of need passed on through prayer requests for family and friends. This week
I have called upon you, my friends and prayer warriors, to lift up the concerns of our Christian brothers and sisters as they
have faced great physical pain, illness and medical procedures. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. I believe with all
my heart that your willingness to carry these requests to the cross, lifting them to our Heavenly Father made all the difference.
I know in my own situation this week it brought me peace in knowing that God was hearing from his children on our behalf.

What I have found as well, it that sharing those concerns, my own and those of my friends, blessed me in ways I could not
have imagined. Realizing that I have so many who are willing to take a few moments to petition God on behalf of another,
sometimes whom they themselves do not even know, truly bolstered my own faith. My faith in God, my faith in the church
and my faith in my friends! It just doesn't get much better!

Keep praying my friends! It does indeed make a difference even if the outcome is not exactly what we expected.

God thank you so much for the way you have touched my life and the lives of those around me this week. I have seen your
hand at work, healing and comforting in many ways. I feel so blessed to be your beloved child and immeasurably so in the
company of such faithful family.

May we all see , hear, feel and know that God is always there beside us! We see it in the faces of our family. Hear it in
the voices of those speaking blessing and petitioning in prayer. Feel it in the warmth of hugs from our friends who
support us. And Know, that all of these things are possible because of a loving, faithful God who cares for us.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

He Wastes Nothing

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten. John 6:12-13

Let nothing be wasted, in life, in love, in food, in play, in everything under the sun and on the earth.  I believe that Jesus wastes nothing. He knows us intimately, better than we know ourselves and to think that he would go to such measures over picking up scraps of bread leftover from five barley loaves used to feed five thousand and would allow anything to go unused would not make sense. Having already demonstrated to this crowd of thousands the great power he had it would have been  less work to just leave the crumbs behind or stir up a wind to blow them away. So why go to the effort of picking up the leftover pieces up? Why gather them and collect them in baskets making the proclamation to the disciples and those who were present, "Let nothing be wasted"?

He was making a point and showing them and us that there is nothing too small, insignificant or unnoticed by him. There are no 'throw-a-ways" to Jesus. We are all important and He pays close attention to the details. I'm sure there are times when we feel as though we are left behind in the race of life. We think no one sees us and no one cares. When we are struggling with difficult circumstances that are stretching our spiritual muscles leaving us exhausted and bewildered, we want it to make sense. We want our pain and suffering to end for sure, but we want it to matter, for there to be a reason.

In this one small statement, I see that everything matters to Jesus. He says 'nothing' is to be wasted. Not a morsel of bread that would surely waste away to nothing if left in place. Not a hurt, not a struggle, not a triumph or a victory; nothing at all. It is all to be used by Him for the glory of His kingdom. As for us, we must trust, just as this crowd of people did that He will feed us. In John 6:35 Jesus reveals that He is the 'bread of life' and by believing in him none will go hungry or experience eternal death. In Him we have life and not just any life, but eternal, victorious and abundant life. Will it be perfect or easy? No! We will make an impact however, if we live it for and through Him. He will provide for us and waste nothing.  We have experiences that are unique to us, good and bad, and the fact that we survive them, learn from them and live on to encourage others in similar situations that they too can be overcomers is part of how we can make a difference.  God walks through the storms of life with you then gives you the opportunity to share that experience:  He Wastes Nothing!

God I am so very thankful and comforted by your presence and the work you have done in my life.  I ask you to help me see the work of your hands and give me the courage and compassion to share my story with others you place in my path.  Give me the words and the boldness to speak life, your eternal life, to people I meet but most of all give me the strength to live a life pleasing to you, for your glory and honor.

May you all be encouraged today and reminded that you are not alone.  He is with you at all times, even when you may not feel His presence.  You will persevere through your storms and have the opportunity to live out and share your story for the glory of God's kingdom.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter—He’s Alive!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Easter! This is certainly a day to rejoice. I have taken time over the last few days to really ponder and meditate on the historical and biblical events that make this day important.

On Thursday I attended the Upper Room service at church. I can remember a time when washing feet seemed a bit 'out there' for me. I did not understand the significance and believe me, feet are one of parts of the body that I do not find attractive on anyone other than tiny babies. But over the last few years I have actually come to look forward to this service because it really brings home to me how Jesus truly was a servant and if our desire is to be like Him, washing feet metaphorically and literally is apart of that. It is who He was and the example He set. Considering it was the last moments on earth that He could spend with the disciples , the fact that He chose this act of service to try and really bring the point home to them speaks to the importance of it. We should serve God and one another.

On Friday I tried to remind myself often that this day, Good Friday, was not just any other day. This was the day that Jesus put feet to His faith in His Father and action to the love He has for all of mankind. He endured the scourging, the beating, the ridicule and ultimately the crucifixion. In spite of all that He suffered He still asked the Father to forgive us for we know not what we do. He wasn't just speaking of the people who were there physically inflicting this torture on Him, He was speaking about all of us. Our sins are what put Him on that cross and His love is what held him there.

On Saturday I took time to imagine what that day would have been like as Jesus lay in the tomb. What were His family and friends doing? Were they having a wake of their own? Did Mary, his mother, share stories of Jesus as a child? Every mother has those little nuggets of information that we hold dear to our heart. A story of something cute our child did, or something ridiculous. But did she share them? I would like to think she did. Did His earthly brothers and sisters tell what kind of big brother He really was? What about the disciples, did they rehash the last three years telling of the great miracles they witnessed and performed because of this friend they had? When someone we love dies we go through this stage of grief where we remember and we share. Would they have been any different?

Today, I am rejoicing! Today I celebrate the truth that Jesus not only died for my sins, but He conquered death and sin and hell as he rose from depths of deaths hold on Him. Today I get to praise God freely and with confidence and I can come to Him with anything because Jesus, His son and my Savior, took on my sin and created a bridge to the throne of God for me. And for you! Because I accepted Him on faith I can spend eternity with Him in heaven. How awesome is that?

Dear God thank you, thank you for the sacrifice you made for me.  Help me understand it, take it all in and live in the love, forgiveness and freedom you set before me.  Let me see you at work in my life and those I come in contact with.

Praise God!  What an awesome and Beautiful Day!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Day In Between

This is the day in between the two most momentous and important days in history. The one day that Jesus lay in the tomb and was mourned by his family, disciples and friends On this day, the horrendous cruelty of his execution was over and the miraculous raising of him from the dead had not yet occurred. Think of it from your own experience. How do you feel the day after you bury a loved one? I know for me it is always a surreal experience.

I am numb to a point and cannot quite wrap my mind around the reality that this person whom I loved is really gone. I have never witnessed such torture in the physical sense as scourging and crucifixion, but I have watched as bodies of family members have been ravaged by disease. I know that the comparison may seem a bit of a stretch, but standing by while someone you love suffers from illness and endures treatments that almost seem worse in the name of healing is painful to say the least. Especially, when it occurs over several months or even years. Then, when death comes and you feel the loss but also a sense of relief because you know they are no longer suffering the pain and torment, you can sit and reflect on the experience. I tend to go into shut down mode once the burial and all that goes with it is completed. I take the time to absorb, pray and comfort myself by remembering and focusing on the good moments.

I can only imagine that Jesus' family and friends were doing the same. They had watched as He was beaten bloody, spit on, mocked and crucified. They witnessed his death, how the world went dark, the ground shook and the temple was destroyed. Even though He had foretold his death repeatedly , not one of them understood it or believed it.

So on this day, the day in between, I can only think that they too were mourning and trying to absorb what they had witnessed. Maybe sitting in the home of His earthly family, they were holding a wake of their own. Sitting around talking about the good times and all the many miraculous events that had resulted from His short tenure on earth. Mary, his mother, may even have told of stories of his childhood. His brothers and sisters may have shared how they played as children and what he was really like as a big brother. His friends testifying to how he was always there to support them in their times of need. Just like we do. They were telling stories and comforting one another after a great loss that they yet did not understand the importance of.

On this day, we have the opportunity to relate to the emotional aspect of what dealing with His death may have been like for those who knew Him as a man. If we try to put ourselves in their place, we can truly empathize with those who felt His loss in the aching of their hearts. And just maybe, we can truly feel the real pain and weight of the sacrifice that was made on our behalf.

God, help me see the gift of Jesus through your eyes, feel it with your heart and know the importance of it to the depths of my being.  Let it be ever so real to me today that I come to a new understanding of your sacrificial everlasting love.  Help me not to take it for granted, but take hold of the resurrection power you have placed within me by your Holy Spirit.

I pray each of you have a wonderfully blessed day as you spend time with our Savior and Lord.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Crucify Him!

"What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?" Pilate asked.
They all answered, "Crucify him!"

"Why? What crime has he committed?" asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, "Crucify him!"

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"

All the people answered, "Let his blood be on us and on our children!"

Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

Matthew 27:22-26

Sitting in the back of the sanctuary of my church last night I was able to see all the people who came to remember the great sacrifice and gift of Jesus. I watched as men, women and children entered quietly, quickly found seats in the center sections and sat in silent respect listening to the piano playing old hymns, reflecting on the reason for this Thursday evening gathering.

As the service began with worship music the atmosphere was much more subdued than normal. There were video testimonies played declaring the blessing and faithfulness of God. Several members of the congregation came forward with 'cardboard testimonies' where they had written the struggles of their lives before Christ on one side and the freedom they experienced through their relationship with Him on the other.

Our pastor read scriptures from the Gospels that described the time leading up to and including the crucifixion. But, for the first time that I remember, as he told of the crowd yelling for Jesus' demise he asked us to play that part. He asked us to yell, just as that sinful crowd did so many years ago, "Crucify him!" We were all tentative at best. The words came out but in low tones at first. The pastor was urging us to go louder, and louder to experience the reality of what had happened. I could feel my heart hurt as I said those words, looking up at the cross on the platform covered with words representing the sins of us all, my sins, your sins: Lying, stealing, disobedience, adultery, drunkeness, lust, etc..

Now today, as I think back on this gathering that was followed by communion and a foot washing service, I read these scriptures and try to imagine what it was like for Jesus. Fully human in a fleshly body able to feel the emotions, the physical pain and yet fully divine. He struggled with the rejection of his beloved yet he knew what had to be done. Standing there on the steps of the governors home hearing his people yell for his crucifixion, how excruciating that must have been. Even Pilate, a Greek, knew what they were asking for was wrong. He washed his hands of the situation, figuratively and literally, exclaiming the blood would not be on him.

This crowd of individuals was desperate and following the leadership they thought had their best interest at heart. As Jesus prayed later from the cross, 'they knew not what they were doing'. But, just as they accepted at that moment they cried out for Jesus' crucifixion, the blood was on them and their children. It is also on us. He did not go to the cross for himself. He did not go to the cross for the righteous. He went for us! For all of us who are flawed, struggling through life in our own human futile manner. He chose to sacrifice himself so that we would have an opportunity to have eternal life. We just have to accept this gift. And once we have, we need to live and breathe in that moment, reminding ourselves daily of who and whose we are. We are the beloved children of a God that chose to make the greatest sacrifice on our behalf. All because He wanted to have a personal relationship with us. He gave us victory, not defeat. Let's remember the sacrifice that was made for us and as the days go by, take hold of the awesome power made perfect within us by a Savior who loves us that much!

Dear God I am humbled and pained as I try to imagine reality of your sacrifice. I thank you for that, knowing there is no way I can ever repay you for it. Help me remember you in my daily routine and to serve you above all else. May you be reflected through me today.

I pray each of you remember that you are dearly loved, cherished children of the most High God.  You have great power within you to overcome just as Jesus did.  Don't let his sacrifice for you go unnoticed.  Let it change you from the inside out!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jesus: Reality At It’s Best

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:3

As I read the news this morning, I came across a story about police officers who were shot and killed in Pittsburgh by a man
having a domestic argument with his mother. The officers who responded were not given the vital information that the subject
had weapons in his residence. During the initial 911 call, his mother told the dispatcher that he owned guns and that they were all 'legal'. At this point the dispatcher should have asked more questions about the type and location of the weapons. The information that the guns were present and accessible should have been given to the responding units for their own safety and this along with the additional information, that was not gathered, could have made a life saving difference.

I share this with you today because I truly believe that what happened here was not intentional. It is a by product of becoming comfortable, complacent and sometimes weary with the day to day almost routine situations we all see. Each of us experience repetitiveness in our lives. We eat at the same places, we see the same people, we hear the same stories over and over again. In our jobs, we may do the same tasks again and again day in and day out. What would normally set off an alarm bell in our minds or souls, we have become accustomed to and it not longer seems significant.

Our spiritual lives can fall victim to this repeat syndrome as well. We all have tendency to be intrigued by the new, the exciting or the different. If our devotional or spiritual walk becomes routine we get bored. If we get bored, we get lax and grow weary. We start looking for what will make our blood churn and our hearts beat faster so we can feel the thrill we once did. And sometimes, those quests bring sin and death with them instead of life and glory.

We have to continuously ask God to be at work within us, around us and through us. We need to keep our eyes open, our ears listening and our hearts attentive to his Spirit. We have everything to be excited about in Jesus. He lowered himself to our level so we could be raised to His in His name. If you feel yourself getting 'bored' reread the gospels and remind yourself of the sacrifice he made. It's better than any thriller novel or movie you will ever read or see. It's reality drama at its best!

God I thank you for reminding me today that I cannot allow myself to be comfortable in my job, my family life or my spiritual journey. Complacency leaves room for the enemy to take a foothold and influence my decisions and actions. May your story always be what thrills my heart and humbles my soul.

Look to the true story of Jesus for the best reality show you will ever see or experience. Ask God to bring it to you in living color by working in and through your life today!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Speak Boldly, in Faith

Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Matthew 21:21-22

As we enter this Holy Week in between Palm Sunday and Easter I want to focus on Jesus, what he was doing and what he was teaching during those last few days prior to the crucifixion. In Matthew it says that he after he entered Jerusalem on Sunday he went to the temple. Being greatly disappointed by what he saw there, moneychangers and peddlers, he overturned tables and benches declaring that his house would be 'a house of prayer'. He healed people of blindness and lame limbs. He was extolled by the children proclaiming "Hosanna to the son of David". The chief priests and teachers were enraged and questioned his authority and position. After this, Jesus left Jerusalem for the night and stayed in Bethany.

The next morning, Monday, he returned and on his way he got hungry. He approached a fig tree on the side of the road and finding no figs he spoke to it, cursing it for bearing no fruit and it withered. The disciples were amazed and begged to know how Jesus did this. Here, in this simple statement above from verses 21-22 we find a great truth delivered straight from the mouth of Jesus to our hearts.

This statement of fact, this promise from He who is the author and perfector of our faith, confirms the power we are given through him. We must have faith when we ask something in His name and we must not doubt. We cannot doubt His existence, His power, His grace, or His mercy nor can we ever doubt that He loves us and wants us to live in His abundance. We must believe in Him and trust Him. Knowing, as a human man walking this earth, that He had this kind of power and yet He chose not to save himself from the certainty of his fate, the torture of scourging and the suffering of crucifixion. Since He did not use His power to save himself He bore our shame, guilt and sin on the cross, but instead He chose to endure the immense pain so he could show us that he has defeated death. His resurrection is testimony to the power we have access to through faith in Him. That same victorious power is ours and by faith we can move the mountains that stand in our way.

God thank you for being the power and truth in my life. I am standing by faith at the foot of a mountain that I know I can move by your power!
I am humbled as I am reminded of the great sacrifice you made for me. I pray I live a life that brings honor to you!

I love you girls! Stand tall in faith today and speak boldly and with power to whatever mountain or molehill is blocking your view of Jesus today!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pondering the Passion

We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

It is a beautiful day, this Palm Sunday, the week before Easter. As I study this morning, read my devotional and spend time in prayer I cannot help but imagine what may have been happening on this day some 2000 odd years ago. From the Bible we know that Jesus knew what was coming. As he grew from a child he was aware of his purpose, his plan to reconcile the children of God with the Father.

In church this morning the choir will be singing a song reminiscent of the hymns of the church. In this song we sing words of remembrance and respect for the sacrifice which was made. Beginning with a more mellow peaceful strain, strengthening in the middle and then building to a joyful end. It is much like the life of Christ on earth. I will be pondering that earthly journey this week as we grow nearer to Easter and the celebration, not just in thankful recognition of the price paid for my sin, our sins, but of the victory over death won by Jesus for me and for you!

This is from the song, "I Come to the Cross". May its words find their way into your heart today.

I come to the cross,

seeking mercy and grace,

I come to the cross,

where you died in my place.

Out of my weakness,

and into your strength,

humbly I come to the cross...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Remembering His Joy

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”- Hebrews 12:2

I cannot count the number of times I have heard and applied to the saying, "no matter how bad life is, someone else always has it worse". I have many times considered this when I have found myself sitting in a pool of self-pity or condemnation. No matter how hard situations may seem in my life, I have never been unable to find someone who was facing something much worse than I. Although I do not relish their suffering I do recognize the blessings in my own life so that I can be thankful.

This verse reminds me, convicts me, of the fact that Jesus endured the cross, scorned it's shame and he did it all for me, for us. Can anything I deal with ever compare to that selfless, sacrificial act of love? I doubt it. Even though he knew what was coming, he saw joy set before him in making a pathway to the Father for us. An opportunity to reconcile humankind allowing us to have a personal relationship, much like he had, with God.

Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, by laying down his perfect life was raised from the depth of death's pit to sit at the right had of God. We cannot compare any suffering we experience, any sacrifice we make to what he did for us. But, we can honor him by focusing on him and his love for us instead of our problem. In doing so, we most certainly have to recognize the power of his love, his grace and his mercy. That power is living and active in us. It is the source of our hope for a better tomorrow and a promised eternity. It is the reason for our joy in spite of our struggles, our joy in the face of adversity. Focus on Jesus, he certainly provides a much more encouraging vision to behold than the darkness offered by our current problem and he lasts longer. The situation we are facing will end, but He is everlasting.

God thank you for reminding me not only of your sacrifice but the joy you felt as you made it. The joy you allow me to see everyday as I remember you died, for me! Help me keep my focus on you, because unlike my circumstances, good or bad, you are everlasting.

Let's remember whose we are today. We are His joy for whom He made the greatest sacrifice of all time. As we enter this coming week let's focus on not only that He died, but what He did leading up to it, to prepare for it and why he chose us over himself. Let us remember His joy!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Deep Roots for a Thirsty Soul

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.

He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8

Trust in the Lord! We have all heard those words spoken by many a pastor, bible teacher and friend. But if you are like me learning to put total trust in God takes time. It's much easier said than done. This verse gives a bit of guide as to how to grow in your relationship with God and a snapshot of what this connection could look like as it matures.

In comparing the trusting believer to a tree planted near water we can visualize a healthy, strong and well watered specimen that can withstand the tests of weather and drought. The water of the stream is the Word of God. It provides us with a powerful supply of health sustaining, refreshing and life giving fluid that feeds our thirsty souls and minds. Without constant water sources a tree would dry up and begin to shrivel and wither away. We are much the same. Without the continuous feeding on the "living water" that is the Word of God our spirit would be want for nourishment. Our souls would be gaunt without the life and light of Jesus resulting in our wandering aimlessly through life as easy prey for the enemy.

However, sending our roots deep into the Word, the 'living water' we will be well supplied, well nourished with storehouses of faith, hope and love. As our spirits are fed spending time with God in bible study and prayer our souls are fortified for battle. As the heat comes, we need not fear for our heavenly storehouses are filled to overflowing with the everlasting Word of God. Our leaves will always be green and will not wither because we have built our root system over time, it will not fail us. There is no need to worry when the drought comes, or a storm blows in, because we have a firm footing that will hold firmly through the harshest wind. With daily tending it will be strong enough that even if the surface is parched and arid,
far below in the depth of our soul the connection to our provider is still actively sustaining us in the midst of difficult times.

Through all the droughts and storms of life, as we keep our life-sustaining, spirit feeding, soul quenching roots steadfastly joined to the giver of life, we will overcome and we will continue to bear fruit. We will stand, submitted and obedient, thankful for His power in us. With each dry spell or wind storm your trust will increase and strengthen. Although we may have
wind torn branches and our leaves may be a little worse for the wear, we will share what we have learned with others who need to hear it so they can have the same hope and learn to trust just as we did.

God thank you so much for feeding my soul and quenching the thirst of my soul each day. Thank you for not allowing me to be out here alone in a weather torn world. I ask you to help me keep my roots planted and encourage me to dig deeper and deeper for a stronger foundation in you. Show me how to stand firmly and to share that knowledge with others to inspire trust in You!

My friends I pray that today you feel the refreshing rush of the "living water" of God. Take the time today to help your roots go deeper and build a stronger root system for dry times and stormy days. Share what you know, even if you are in a time of crisis now, because your experience and trust can inspire others and shine the light of God's hope in their lives.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prayer Power Connection

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:18

Prayer serves many purposes in the life of a Christian. Through prayer we can communicate with God, sharing our thoughts, our dreams, our worries. We can tell Him about our failures and our triumphs. We can petition Him on behalf of our loved ones or friends. We confess our sin and ask for forgiveness that is promised and provided through His grace and mercy when we exhibit true repentance. In the obedient practice and commitment to prayer we tap into the almighty power of God that is part of our inheritance as his child.

"That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. "(Ephesians 19-23)

The realization of the magnitude of His power, which he shares and pours out one me, is overwhelming and awesome. There is nothing above Him, nothing greater than His sovereignty. Everything and everyone is under His feet. With His strength, I can do all things according to His will. Imagine, this same resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead, courses through my body because I believe. This fact, this nugget of truth is paramount in the life of a Christian. When I face difficulty and I doubt myself, I stop and pray for His strength, His power and His wisdom to guide and sustain me. It doesn't mean that the task will always be easy, but because He is with me my burden will be lightened. In His power, I strive to move forward in my life and relationship with Him. Take hold of that power and hang on tightly. He will take you places you never thought possible!

Thank you God for your resurrection power which you pour out on us as believers. I am humbled by your grace and mercy. I am blessed to be able to share my hope in you with others and I pray you will continue to provide the opportunities and the words to share. It is by your strength and your power that I live and breath and praise you today!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Coming out of Darkness

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

Afraid of the dark? Me too, or at least I used to be. There was a time when I wandered aimlessly in the disorientation that an all consuming blackness could bring on. I remember feeling totally lost with no sense of direction. Constantly groping for a lamp, a candle, even a match, anything that would bring the slightest bit of brightness into my world.

Now, I'm not saying that everything in my life was horrible, on the surface it may have seemed normal, but I felt no sense of hope for future improvement. I did not see how my situation could ever get better and in fact my circumstances were spiraling out of control. My personal life, my home life, my health all reaching destructive extremes. I had my husband, but our relationship was rapidly deteriorating. My job was taking over my life as I worked harder to try to reach the goal of a better schedule and better pay justifying it to myself the whole time saying it was for the good of my family. I had gained an inordinate amount of weight and was unhealthy many times over. The only really hopeful thing in my life was my daughter. A young child, she had her whole life ahead of her, if I didn't do something to mess her up.

What changed? Jesus! Not that he "changed" but I did. I finally saw the light, His light. By reconnecting with Jesus I opened my heart and life to the light of the glory of God. All the scary places that once were hidden and filled with frightening possibilities were suddenly in the open and illuminated with the truth, my reality of God's hope in my life. He cared and He had a plan for my future. Once the hidden things, the scary things were revealed in the light they no longer had the same power over me. Just like Halloween decorations and costumes are frightening in the dark but lose there scare quality in the light, the things that were difficult in my life were not as overpowering once they were in the open. With God's help, I was able to work on them and take steps to resolve them.

I still have moments where the darkness tries to rear its ugliness in my life. During times of great stress, emotional pain and struggle if I let my focus settle on the problem and not my provider the light begins to dim and I feel the coldness of the dark as starts to creep in. I had to grasp this "knowledge of the glory of God" and learn to trust Him. Today I know all I have to do is call on Jesus for help. Although my situation may be difficult, and many times it is hard to surrender and reach out, I know I will feel His touch guide me back to the warmth of His light. He is faithful. He is the light in the darkness of this world. He is in control.

God, thank you for being the light in my darkness. Thank you for not leaving me there to grope around in the darkness on my own. I praise you for being my hope and leading me to the reality you had planned for my life. Help me continue to walk in your light by seeking you in your Word and in prayer.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Being Watchful, Thankful, Prayerful

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

This is part of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church in Colossi. He is imploring these young followers to be devoted to prayer and to furthering the message of Christ. He reminds them that in their devotion they need to be watchful and thankful.

Watchful of their behavior and that of those whom they follow because what they do and say can affect how new converts or seekers of the way will perceive Christ. It is still the same today. As we trek through our individual journey with Christ as our guide we must always be mindful of not putting stumbling blocks in the paths of others. We cannot expect ourselves to be perfect, because none of us are, but we should certainly strive to make decisions and take actions that best reflect our faith so as not to mislead. Once we identify ourselves as Christians we must be aware that we say and do represents to church and most especially the head of the church, Christ.

In being thankful, we may not always be happy or satisfied with our circumstances but we should be thankful for the gift of salvation and the hope it gives us. Being thankful for a God that loves us and cares about our every need. We should be thankful for the body of Christ, the church in which we are a member by adoption regardless of our past mistakes. In Jesus, we have everything to be thankful and grateful for.

God I praise you today for loving me and accepting me. I thank you for extending your grace and mercy to me. Please help me be watchful of my words and actions so as to inspire faith in others and not hamper it in any way.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Building The Foundation, One Prayer at a Time

During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.

Hebrews 5:7-8

It is impressed on my heart this morning how important our response to suffering in difficult times actually is. Jesus, the One and Only Son of God, spent much of his time in private prayer. He performed great miracles. He had a servants heart in all situations. Yet, he was not saved from suffering.

As He ministered to the disciples he was ridiculed at times and mocked. Even in his public ministry he was questioned and shunned by the people of his own home town. As I think on these things I can't help but imagine what my own reaction would have been. What feelings course through me when I meet with vocal opposition and critical opinion in my daily life. It is a human reaction for sure for our feelings to be hurt when our efforts are rejected by those we are trying to come along side offering assistance to. My heart is broken and I become unsure of my abilities and may even question my motives or my calling.

Jesus, although fully God was also fully human so I believe it to be reasonable to think he too felt the sting of rejection. He felt the sharp pain in his spirit when his good intentions were spurned. As I read and study his life in ministry up to and including the cross, I realize it is about how he used and communicated those emotions. He cried out to God in prayer as he learned and modeled obedience and submission to his Heavenly Father. He took what was meant for evil and used it for good.

Through each challenge, each struggle, each hurt He received lessons of faith. He became able to trust God with growing understanding and a deeper love. As his relationship grew and his experiences varied he was being prepared for the ultimate test of submission and obedience. We may not all be asked to offer up our physical lives for God, but we are asked to give up something in our lives. And, we may even have to say goodbye to some we love in the process. We are not expected to comprehend the why of all situations, just to trust that God knows best and be willing to focus on Him through our circumstances.

I'm certainly not saying that all suffering is the result of evil, sometimes it is necessary for us to grow in our faith. The grand plan of God is too much for any of us to even begin to fathom let alone understand, but I do believe God uses the bumps in the road or the mountains in our path to give us opportunities to learn, to share and to grow. In all circumstances, he wants us to communicate with him in prayer, just as Jesus did. Sometimes as a group, but most often on our own in private quiet times with Him so we can be open and honest, listening for His reply. Following Jesus' model this communication needs to be consistent and faithful. Through discipline in prayer and study, we can learn obedience and submission particularly in times of struggle, because we have built a solid foundation for communication with God.

Let's start building our foundation on the Rock!

God I thank your for sending Jesus to be the author of my faith. Through studying your Word and communicating with you I can learn just as Jesus did to trust you completely and to live in obedient submission. There is nothing too big, too hard or too trivial in my life that you would not want me to share with you in prayer. I praise you today God and ask for your guidance and wisdom.

I pray each of you have a moment of private time with God today. He is waiting patiently for you to start the conversation and if you still your minds and hearts, he will finish it with a word just for you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boldly Going Where Faith Filled Believers Have Gone Before Us

Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)

Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. Hebrews 4:16 (Amplified)

This verse says a lot to me, to us, as Christians who have been accepted, sanctified and strive live by the Word of God. It says that God did not go through all the trouble, make the greatest sacrifice in the history of mankind for us to live timidly. He gave His son, making a pathway to himself so that we would come boldly, confidently and fearlessly to Him.

I have included three different translations of this particular verse so that there would be no misunderstanding. Scholars agree on not only the wording, but the thought and feeling behind it. Each of these submissions represent different schools of thought and approaches to translating the Holy Scriptures from the original Greek of the New Testament. There is a broad range of ideals as to how this interpretation is accomplished and essentially there are those that go for the 'word for word' approach meaning they try to use the closest exact word when interpreting the text. The other end of the spectrum is 'thought for thought'. In these translations they try to convey the thought and feel of the text by using the best language and word choice that would represent it in today's society. Then there are those that are in the middle. They attempt to achieve a good blend of the two approaches by finding the closest exact wording to communicate the meaning as accurately as possible.

The New Living Translation is a 'thought for thought', the Amplified is a 'word for word' and the New International version is the middle of the road. However, in all of these, and this is why I wanted to include a selection of translations, it is clearly illustrated that we are not to approach God with fear or timidity. He expects us to come to Him boldly and with confidence. He gave us an awesome gift in his Son. He made the ultimate sacrifice in love, hoping that we would accept it and come to Him. He offers us His endless mercy and grace, my friends. He wants us to be willing to accept His help. He desires us to draw near to Him so He can draw nearer to us. It does not say we might receive mercy and grace, but that we will not only find it, we will receive it. Let's go boldly where faith filled believers have gone before us and take hold of this promise secured by God's character: His love, His mercy and His grace are abundant and available to each of us through prayer.

Thank you God for loving me and making a way for me to come to you with my concerns. You paved the pathway to you in the blood of your Son. I will not dishonor Him by being timid and afraid. I will come to you in confidence and allow you to work in my life. I praise you today God and I trust your will for my life.

May each of you dig deep today mustering up and grasping tightly the boldness and confidence Christ died for you to have!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

His Everlasting Arms

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:27

I have spent a significant amount of time pondering this verse. I know that in context of the chapter it may not mean all the things I can imagine it to, but it's still a comforting thought to try to imagine God's everlasting arms. This is part of Moses' blessing on the Tribes of Israel. Moses was imparting his wisdom on his Israelite brothers and reminding them just who had delivered them, His power, His might, His protection and that the God of Israel is in control of all things. Our God is in control of all things.

Our God is eternal, no beginning and no end. He is forever the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Because he is eternal His promises are for all generations of believers. We all have access to Him because of His great sacrifice so that we could be reconciled to him. We can be with Him in his eternal glory, heaven.

He is our refuge. He is the safe place where we can find peace in times of turmoil. We can find rest when we are bone weary or emotionally exhausted from the onslaught of life in this fallen world. In Him we have hope of a better tomorrow, for a future of His making if we just focus on being faithful and obedient and let Him take control of our lives. Our part is to trust and obey, he will do the rest.

And underneath His Godly, powerful Almighty exterior are the everlasting arms that lift us up when we fall. The arms that steady us when we are unstable in our walk. Arms that have the gentle hands of a loving Heavenly Father that pat us on the back, stroke our heads to soothe us, and provide healing when needed. These strong arms are what wraps around us when we are hurting or give us unending hugs of spiritual encouragement and encircles us in his protective embrace. The everlasting arms of our Savior, our God.

Be encouraged in His presence, His power and His purpose in your life today!

God thank you today for being my refuge and my strength. The power and love of your all encompassing embrace brings me peace, comfort and hope for a blessed day in you. I trust you and the faithfulness of your eternal character. In you alone is my faith. I will focus on you today instead of my problems. Through the lens of your love and wisdom my difficulties will seem less menacing because you are in control.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Holy Confidant

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:12-13

As human beings we all long for companionship, friendship and even truly deep relationship with another person that we can trust and share our most telling secrets with. Our emotional stability sometimes hinges on that very thing. We have an intrinsic need to share. Or at least women do. I understand that men are wired somewhat differently and it takes them a little longer, if ever, to open up to their contemporaries.

I believe however, that God made us that way. He knew that we would long for relationship with another. He created us to do life, to serve him, to be living and active in our faith as a group. That's why he created the church, the body of Christ. Just as in our human bodies one part cannot exist or operate without the rest of the unit, neither can we truly live in a secluded and solitary environment. We need human contact. We need physical, emotional and spiritual interaction to help us process the events of our lives.

We also crave the ability to be completely honest about our hopes, our dreams, our failures and our thoughts. We need to be able to unload our baggage so that we can lighten the load on our minds and hearts. Being able to dump the weight of our lives on another is key at times to being able to move forward. However, because we are human we sometimes struggle with trust. We have been hurt and betrayed by someone at some point and find it hard to give in to the need we feel. Take heart, there is good news.

We all have someone whom we can be completely honest and lay bare our true selves before Him. As it says in Hebrews 4:13 He already knows. He knows all there is to know about us, and He loves us anyway. So the next time you feel as though there is something you just need to unload and you are not certain that you have a human friend with whom you feel comfortable laying the burden upon, remember, God is listening. He is big. He can handle it. And, He already knows, so He will not be shocked and He will not stop speaking to you because you have told Him something life changing, or not.

Lord God thank you for being my confidant. I know you know it all, and praise YOU, you love me anyway. You will not throw me away, shun me or give me bad advice. I have your Word, living and active to guide me. Thank you for being steadfast and faithful.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I know the Truth..It Comforts me.

Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;

guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5

I am forever thankful that God teaches me to walk in his path. He ordained my life before my existence on this earth. He knows the numbers of my days. So who am I to question that He would know best? I take comfort in His guidance. I find reassurance in knowing that He is God and by trusting in Him who can do more than I could ever ask or imagine I will not need for anything. My hope is in Him, in who He is not just what He does. I know the truth. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega. My Almighty God and Heavenly Father, my God, my Savior. In Him alone do I put my trust and pledge my undying love and obedience.

Thank you Lord for just being and allowing me to know you. Thank you for your sacrifice of your Son so that our relationship would be possible. I trust you this day and ask that you guide me in the way you would have me to go. Give me wisdom and discernment, fill me with your gentle spirit and allow me to see with eyes of faith what is possible by your power instead of stumbling blocks in my path. I know that no matter what this day brings God, you are in control of it. You will provide whatever is needed at the proper time if I just trust and believe in you, seeking you first.

My prayer for you this morning is that the truth, the real facts of who God is in your lives will find its way deep into your soul this morning and bring you great joy, hope and peace. No matter what you are facing, and I know some of you have sadness and hurts on your hearts this day, He is greater than all of that. He desires to comfort you and encourage you. He will give to you whatever you need if you seek Him as He offers to hide you in the shadow of his wings allowing you rest. Go to Him my friends. He is your hope.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Squeezing through the Narrow Gate

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

No one ever said that traveling the road to who God wants us to be would be easy. This road is rocky, it is strewn with pits in which we can fall, it even has slippery slopes that may cause us to slide in the wrong direction. This road is also very narrow and the gate is small. To follow this roadway and enter through the gate of righteousness we have to focus and we have to do it with purpose. No one does this by accident or without thought.

Sometimes when we are trekking our way through the ups and downs of life we are faced with decisions or choices that are obviously not on the narrow path. When we come up against them, the choice may be clear but actually stepping out and moving in the right direction may not be so simple when those around us are pulling us toward the wide road. I have faced this time and time again in my life as I am sure you have. Your peers are all joining in, traveling together by sharing gossip, making judgments of others or planning an event that on the surface sounds like fun. Then you have to decide if you want to tag along on this seemingly harmless venture or excuse yourself from the happenings in favor of a less popular stand.

Think hard, pray hard everyday for God to guide your steps. Just because everyone else is going a certain way does not mean that you should. The wide road has lots of room for those who make the often too easy decision for the path of least resistance. You must risk being seen as different and unpopular, the "party pooper" at times knowing that God stands beside you in it. Few choose the right path because many times it is not the painless choice, obvious but not comfortable. Making the right choice that keeps you out of the loop or sets you apart from others can be hard but squeezing yourself through the narrow gate will pay off. You will feel better about your choices and yourself for standing up for Jesus and following his light as he leads you on his path.

Lord I thank you for your patience and the love you show me as I struggle at times making the right decision. I thank you also that even when I may step off the path, you are there to guide me back in the right direction. It's a continuing process and I am searching diligently for you and your light.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Overflowing with Hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”- Romans 15:13

This is my prayer for you my friends! 

As we each move through our day, as we come in contact with those around us, as we face challenges and make decisions I pray that you trust in Him.   I ask that today, as we do life together, we are able to recognize his presence, find comfort and hope in his touch, and be willing vessels for him to fill to overflowing.  Submit yourselves to the Holy Spirit today and let him reign on the throne of your heart, releasing his power in your life.  As you trust, as you allow him to fill your being you will have renewed hope in your heart.  Situations that maybe seemed to overshadow you will become miniscule in the light of God.  And as you see in this new light, you will find joy you didn't know you could have.  Joy that comes only by the hand and from the heart of the one true God. The Almighty, our Prince of Peace, Our Heavenly Father.  Look for Him in everything today, He is there! 

Blessings to you my friends!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Humble Submission = Joyful Hope

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:6-7,10

My hope this morning, the eternal promise of God's grace, humbles me before Him as I think about what He wants for my life. I'm not talking about whether he wants me to take a particular job, buy a new house, what college he wants my daughter to go to. I'm not even referring to which church I attend or not. There are certain things God wants for all of us so that we can live with joy in his abundance. (John 10:10)

Obedience is one. He has given us his Word to use as a guide( 2 Timothy 3:16) and His son to model our behavior after(Ephesians 5:1). In the Bible there is guidance for any and all situations in our lives. As we spend time reading and studying the perfect Word of God he will speak to us and give us the right path to choose.(Psalm 119:105) He will enlighten our minds and encourage our hearts when needed. He will also bring a spirit of conviction on us bringing to the forefront of our minds the behaviors, thoughts and desires that we need to change because they are contrary to His will.(John 16:8)

Submission to His will and way. Knowing that He is in control ( Philippians 3:21) and has our best interest in mind (Romans 8:28) is key to a relationship with God. We have to recognize who He is in all his glory. We have to give Him first place in our lives (Deuteronomy 5:7) above and beyond all else. If we humble ourselves before him, he lifts us up (James 4:10)!

Rejoice! We must rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:4)! Circumstances cannot be the meter by which our joy is gauged. Joy in the Lord our security in Him and being His. Knowing that He will care for us (1 Peter 5:7). He chose us((John 15:16), and loved us first (1 John 4:19) in spite of our sin (Romans 5:8)! How Awesome is that!

Lord I thank you for your provision, your Word and your grace. Without you, life would be hopeless and without joy. I pray you show me, all the more, how to live my life to please and honor you. Help me make wise choices, especially those that bring me ever closer to you.