Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prayer Power Connection

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:18

Prayer serves many purposes in the life of a Christian. Through prayer we can communicate with God, sharing our thoughts, our dreams, our worries. We can tell Him about our failures and our triumphs. We can petition Him on behalf of our loved ones or friends. We confess our sin and ask for forgiveness that is promised and provided through His grace and mercy when we exhibit true repentance. In the obedient practice and commitment to prayer we tap into the almighty power of God that is part of our inheritance as his child.

"That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. "(Ephesians 19-23)

The realization of the magnitude of His power, which he shares and pours out one me, is overwhelming and awesome. There is nothing above Him, nothing greater than His sovereignty. Everything and everyone is under His feet. With His strength, I can do all things according to His will. Imagine, this same resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead, courses through my body because I believe. This fact, this nugget of truth is paramount in the life of a Christian. When I face difficulty and I doubt myself, I stop and pray for His strength, His power and His wisdom to guide and sustain me. It doesn't mean that the task will always be easy, but because He is with me my burden will be lightened. In His power, I strive to move forward in my life and relationship with Him. Take hold of that power and hang on tightly. He will take you places you never thought possible!

Thank you God for your resurrection power which you pour out on us as believers. I am humbled by your grace and mercy. I am blessed to be able to share my hope in you with others and I pray you will continue to provide the opportunities and the words to share. It is by your strength and your power that I live and breath and praise you today!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Coming out of Darkness

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

Afraid of the dark? Me too, or at least I used to be. There was a time when I wandered aimlessly in the disorientation that an all consuming blackness could bring on. I remember feeling totally lost with no sense of direction. Constantly groping for a lamp, a candle, even a match, anything that would bring the slightest bit of brightness into my world.

Now, I'm not saying that everything in my life was horrible, on the surface it may have seemed normal, but I felt no sense of hope for future improvement. I did not see how my situation could ever get better and in fact my circumstances were spiraling out of control. My personal life, my home life, my health all reaching destructive extremes. I had my husband, but our relationship was rapidly deteriorating. My job was taking over my life as I worked harder to try to reach the goal of a better schedule and better pay justifying it to myself the whole time saying it was for the good of my family. I had gained an inordinate amount of weight and was unhealthy many times over. The only really hopeful thing in my life was my daughter. A young child, she had her whole life ahead of her, if I didn't do something to mess her up.

What changed? Jesus! Not that he "changed" but I did. I finally saw the light, His light. By reconnecting with Jesus I opened my heart and life to the light of the glory of God. All the scary places that once were hidden and filled with frightening possibilities were suddenly in the open and illuminated with the truth, my reality of God's hope in my life. He cared and He had a plan for my future. Once the hidden things, the scary things were revealed in the light they no longer had the same power over me. Just like Halloween decorations and costumes are frightening in the dark but lose there scare quality in the light, the things that were difficult in my life were not as overpowering once they were in the open. With God's help, I was able to work on them and take steps to resolve them.

I still have moments where the darkness tries to rear its ugliness in my life. During times of great stress, emotional pain and struggle if I let my focus settle on the problem and not my provider the light begins to dim and I feel the coldness of the dark as starts to creep in. I had to grasp this "knowledge of the glory of God" and learn to trust Him. Today I know all I have to do is call on Jesus for help. Although my situation may be difficult, and many times it is hard to surrender and reach out, I know I will feel His touch guide me back to the warmth of His light. He is faithful. He is the light in the darkness of this world. He is in control.

God, thank you for being the light in my darkness. Thank you for not leaving me there to grope around in the darkness on my own. I praise you for being my hope and leading me to the reality you had planned for my life. Help me continue to walk in your light by seeking you in your Word and in prayer.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Being Watchful, Thankful, Prayerful

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

This is part of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church in Colossi. He is imploring these young followers to be devoted to prayer and to furthering the message of Christ. He reminds them that in their devotion they need to be watchful and thankful.

Watchful of their behavior and that of those whom they follow because what they do and say can affect how new converts or seekers of the way will perceive Christ. It is still the same today. As we trek through our individual journey with Christ as our guide we must always be mindful of not putting stumbling blocks in the paths of others. We cannot expect ourselves to be perfect, because none of us are, but we should certainly strive to make decisions and take actions that best reflect our faith so as not to mislead. Once we identify ourselves as Christians we must be aware that we say and do represents to church and most especially the head of the church, Christ.

In being thankful, we may not always be happy or satisfied with our circumstances but we should be thankful for the gift of salvation and the hope it gives us. Being thankful for a God that loves us and cares about our every need. We should be thankful for the body of Christ, the church in which we are a member by adoption regardless of our past mistakes. In Jesus, we have everything to be thankful and grateful for.

God I praise you today for loving me and accepting me. I thank you for extending your grace and mercy to me. Please help me be watchful of my words and actions so as to inspire faith in others and not hamper it in any way.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Building The Foundation, One Prayer at a Time

During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.

Hebrews 5:7-8

It is impressed on my heart this morning how important our response to suffering in difficult times actually is. Jesus, the One and Only Son of God, spent much of his time in private prayer. He performed great miracles. He had a servants heart in all situations. Yet, he was not saved from suffering.

As He ministered to the disciples he was ridiculed at times and mocked. Even in his public ministry he was questioned and shunned by the people of his own home town. As I think on these things I can't help but imagine what my own reaction would have been. What feelings course through me when I meet with vocal opposition and critical opinion in my daily life. It is a human reaction for sure for our feelings to be hurt when our efforts are rejected by those we are trying to come along side offering assistance to. My heart is broken and I become unsure of my abilities and may even question my motives or my calling.

Jesus, although fully God was also fully human so I believe it to be reasonable to think he too felt the sting of rejection. He felt the sharp pain in his spirit when his good intentions were spurned. As I read and study his life in ministry up to and including the cross, I realize it is about how he used and communicated those emotions. He cried out to God in prayer as he learned and modeled obedience and submission to his Heavenly Father. He took what was meant for evil and used it for good.

Through each challenge, each struggle, each hurt He received lessons of faith. He became able to trust God with growing understanding and a deeper love. As his relationship grew and his experiences varied he was being prepared for the ultimate test of submission and obedience. We may not all be asked to offer up our physical lives for God, but we are asked to give up something in our lives. And, we may even have to say goodbye to some we love in the process. We are not expected to comprehend the why of all situations, just to trust that God knows best and be willing to focus on Him through our circumstances.

I'm certainly not saying that all suffering is the result of evil, sometimes it is necessary for us to grow in our faith. The grand plan of God is too much for any of us to even begin to fathom let alone understand, but I do believe God uses the bumps in the road or the mountains in our path to give us opportunities to learn, to share and to grow. In all circumstances, he wants us to communicate with him in prayer, just as Jesus did. Sometimes as a group, but most often on our own in private quiet times with Him so we can be open and honest, listening for His reply. Following Jesus' model this communication needs to be consistent and faithful. Through discipline in prayer and study, we can learn obedience and submission particularly in times of struggle, because we have built a solid foundation for communication with God.

Let's start building our foundation on the Rock!

God I thank your for sending Jesus to be the author of my faith. Through studying your Word and communicating with you I can learn just as Jesus did to trust you completely and to live in obedient submission. There is nothing too big, too hard or too trivial in my life that you would not want me to share with you in prayer. I praise you today God and ask for your guidance and wisdom.

I pray each of you have a moment of private time with God today. He is waiting patiently for you to start the conversation and if you still your minds and hearts, he will finish it with a word just for you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boldly Going Where Faith Filled Believers Have Gone Before Us

Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)

Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. Hebrews 4:16 (Amplified)

This verse says a lot to me, to us, as Christians who have been accepted, sanctified and strive live by the Word of God. It says that God did not go through all the trouble, make the greatest sacrifice in the history of mankind for us to live timidly. He gave His son, making a pathway to himself so that we would come boldly, confidently and fearlessly to Him.

I have included three different translations of this particular verse so that there would be no misunderstanding. Scholars agree on not only the wording, but the thought and feeling behind it. Each of these submissions represent different schools of thought and approaches to translating the Holy Scriptures from the original Greek of the New Testament. There is a broad range of ideals as to how this interpretation is accomplished and essentially there are those that go for the 'word for word' approach meaning they try to use the closest exact word when interpreting the text. The other end of the spectrum is 'thought for thought'. In these translations they try to convey the thought and feel of the text by using the best language and word choice that would represent it in today's society. Then there are those that are in the middle. They attempt to achieve a good blend of the two approaches by finding the closest exact wording to communicate the meaning as accurately as possible.

The New Living Translation is a 'thought for thought', the Amplified is a 'word for word' and the New International version is the middle of the road. However, in all of these, and this is why I wanted to include a selection of translations, it is clearly illustrated that we are not to approach God with fear or timidity. He expects us to come to Him boldly and with confidence. He gave us an awesome gift in his Son. He made the ultimate sacrifice in love, hoping that we would accept it and come to Him. He offers us His endless mercy and grace, my friends. He wants us to be willing to accept His help. He desires us to draw near to Him so He can draw nearer to us. It does not say we might receive mercy and grace, but that we will not only find it, we will receive it. Let's go boldly where faith filled believers have gone before us and take hold of this promise secured by God's character: His love, His mercy and His grace are abundant and available to each of us through prayer.

Thank you God for loving me and making a way for me to come to you with my concerns. You paved the pathway to you in the blood of your Son. I will not dishonor Him by being timid and afraid. I will come to you in confidence and allow you to work in my life. I praise you today God and I trust your will for my life.

May each of you dig deep today mustering up and grasping tightly the boldness and confidence Christ died for you to have!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

His Everlasting Arms

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:27

I have spent a significant amount of time pondering this verse. I know that in context of the chapter it may not mean all the things I can imagine it to, but it's still a comforting thought to try to imagine God's everlasting arms. This is part of Moses' blessing on the Tribes of Israel. Moses was imparting his wisdom on his Israelite brothers and reminding them just who had delivered them, His power, His might, His protection and that the God of Israel is in control of all things. Our God is in control of all things.

Our God is eternal, no beginning and no end. He is forever the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Because he is eternal His promises are for all generations of believers. We all have access to Him because of His great sacrifice so that we could be reconciled to him. We can be with Him in his eternal glory, heaven.

He is our refuge. He is the safe place where we can find peace in times of turmoil. We can find rest when we are bone weary or emotionally exhausted from the onslaught of life in this fallen world. In Him we have hope of a better tomorrow, for a future of His making if we just focus on being faithful and obedient and let Him take control of our lives. Our part is to trust and obey, he will do the rest.

And underneath His Godly, powerful Almighty exterior are the everlasting arms that lift us up when we fall. The arms that steady us when we are unstable in our walk. Arms that have the gentle hands of a loving Heavenly Father that pat us on the back, stroke our heads to soothe us, and provide healing when needed. These strong arms are what wraps around us when we are hurting or give us unending hugs of spiritual encouragement and encircles us in his protective embrace. The everlasting arms of our Savior, our God.

Be encouraged in His presence, His power and His purpose in your life today!

God thank you today for being my refuge and my strength. The power and love of your all encompassing embrace brings me peace, comfort and hope for a blessed day in you. I trust you and the faithfulness of your eternal character. In you alone is my faith. I will focus on you today instead of my problems. Through the lens of your love and wisdom my difficulties will seem less menacing because you are in control.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Holy Confidant

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:12-13

As human beings we all long for companionship, friendship and even truly deep relationship with another person that we can trust and share our most telling secrets with. Our emotional stability sometimes hinges on that very thing. We have an intrinsic need to share. Or at least women do. I understand that men are wired somewhat differently and it takes them a little longer, if ever, to open up to their contemporaries.

I believe however, that God made us that way. He knew that we would long for relationship with another. He created us to do life, to serve him, to be living and active in our faith as a group. That's why he created the church, the body of Christ. Just as in our human bodies one part cannot exist or operate without the rest of the unit, neither can we truly live in a secluded and solitary environment. We need human contact. We need physical, emotional and spiritual interaction to help us process the events of our lives.

We also crave the ability to be completely honest about our hopes, our dreams, our failures and our thoughts. We need to be able to unload our baggage so that we can lighten the load on our minds and hearts. Being able to dump the weight of our lives on another is key at times to being able to move forward. However, because we are human we sometimes struggle with trust. We have been hurt and betrayed by someone at some point and find it hard to give in to the need we feel. Take heart, there is good news.

We all have someone whom we can be completely honest and lay bare our true selves before Him. As it says in Hebrews 4:13 He already knows. He knows all there is to know about us, and He loves us anyway. So the next time you feel as though there is something you just need to unload and you are not certain that you have a human friend with whom you feel comfortable laying the burden upon, remember, God is listening. He is big. He can handle it. And, He already knows, so He will not be shocked and He will not stop speaking to you because you have told Him something life changing, or not.

Lord God thank you for being my confidant. I know you know it all, and praise YOU, you love me anyway. You will not throw me away, shun me or give me bad advice. I have your Word, living and active to guide me. Thank you for being steadfast and faithful.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I know the Truth..It Comforts me.

Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;

guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5

I am forever thankful that God teaches me to walk in his path. He ordained my life before my existence on this earth. He knows the numbers of my days. So who am I to question that He would know best? I take comfort in His guidance. I find reassurance in knowing that He is God and by trusting in Him who can do more than I could ever ask or imagine I will not need for anything. My hope is in Him, in who He is not just what He does. I know the truth. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega. My Almighty God and Heavenly Father, my God, my Savior. In Him alone do I put my trust and pledge my undying love and obedience.

Thank you Lord for just being and allowing me to know you. Thank you for your sacrifice of your Son so that our relationship would be possible. I trust you this day and ask that you guide me in the way you would have me to go. Give me wisdom and discernment, fill me with your gentle spirit and allow me to see with eyes of faith what is possible by your power instead of stumbling blocks in my path. I know that no matter what this day brings God, you are in control of it. You will provide whatever is needed at the proper time if I just trust and believe in you, seeking you first.

My prayer for you this morning is that the truth, the real facts of who God is in your lives will find its way deep into your soul this morning and bring you great joy, hope and peace. No matter what you are facing, and I know some of you have sadness and hurts on your hearts this day, He is greater than all of that. He desires to comfort you and encourage you. He will give to you whatever you need if you seek Him as He offers to hide you in the shadow of his wings allowing you rest. Go to Him my friends. He is your hope.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Squeezing through the Narrow Gate

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

No one ever said that traveling the road to who God wants us to be would be easy. This road is rocky, it is strewn with pits in which we can fall, it even has slippery slopes that may cause us to slide in the wrong direction. This road is also very narrow and the gate is small. To follow this roadway and enter through the gate of righteousness we have to focus and we have to do it with purpose. No one does this by accident or without thought.

Sometimes when we are trekking our way through the ups and downs of life we are faced with decisions or choices that are obviously not on the narrow path. When we come up against them, the choice may be clear but actually stepping out and moving in the right direction may not be so simple when those around us are pulling us toward the wide road. I have faced this time and time again in my life as I am sure you have. Your peers are all joining in, traveling together by sharing gossip, making judgments of others or planning an event that on the surface sounds like fun. Then you have to decide if you want to tag along on this seemingly harmless venture or excuse yourself from the happenings in favor of a less popular stand.

Think hard, pray hard everyday for God to guide your steps. Just because everyone else is going a certain way does not mean that you should. The wide road has lots of room for those who make the often too easy decision for the path of least resistance. You must risk being seen as different and unpopular, the "party pooper" at times knowing that God stands beside you in it. Few choose the right path because many times it is not the painless choice, obvious but not comfortable. Making the right choice that keeps you out of the loop or sets you apart from others can be hard but squeezing yourself through the narrow gate will pay off. You will feel better about your choices and yourself for standing up for Jesus and following his light as he leads you on his path.

Lord I thank you for your patience and the love you show me as I struggle at times making the right decision. I thank you also that even when I may step off the path, you are there to guide me back in the right direction. It's a continuing process and I am searching diligently for you and your light.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Overflowing with Hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”- Romans 15:13

This is my prayer for you my friends! 

As we each move through our day, as we come in contact with those around us, as we face challenges and make decisions I pray that you trust in Him.   I ask that today, as we do life together, we are able to recognize his presence, find comfort and hope in his touch, and be willing vessels for him to fill to overflowing.  Submit yourselves to the Holy Spirit today and let him reign on the throne of your heart, releasing his power in your life.  As you trust, as you allow him to fill your being you will have renewed hope in your heart.  Situations that maybe seemed to overshadow you will become miniscule in the light of God.  And as you see in this new light, you will find joy you didn't know you could have.  Joy that comes only by the hand and from the heart of the one true God. The Almighty, our Prince of Peace, Our Heavenly Father.  Look for Him in everything today, He is there! 

Blessings to you my friends!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Humble Submission = Joyful Hope

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:6-7,10

My hope this morning, the eternal promise of God's grace, humbles me before Him as I think about what He wants for my life. I'm not talking about whether he wants me to take a particular job, buy a new house, what college he wants my daughter to go to. I'm not even referring to which church I attend or not. There are certain things God wants for all of us so that we can live with joy in his abundance. (John 10:10)

Obedience is one. He has given us his Word to use as a guide( 2 Timothy 3:16) and His son to model our behavior after(Ephesians 5:1). In the Bible there is guidance for any and all situations in our lives. As we spend time reading and studying the perfect Word of God he will speak to us and give us the right path to choose.(Psalm 119:105) He will enlighten our minds and encourage our hearts when needed. He will also bring a spirit of conviction on us bringing to the forefront of our minds the behaviors, thoughts and desires that we need to change because they are contrary to His will.(John 16:8)

Submission to His will and way. Knowing that He is in control ( Philippians 3:21) and has our best interest in mind (Romans 8:28) is key to a relationship with God. We have to recognize who He is in all his glory. We have to give Him first place in our lives (Deuteronomy 5:7) above and beyond all else. If we humble ourselves before him, he lifts us up (James 4:10)!

Rejoice! We must rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:4)! Circumstances cannot be the meter by which our joy is gauged. Joy in the Lord our security in Him and being His. Knowing that He will care for us (1 Peter 5:7). He chose us((John 15:16), and loved us first (1 John 4:19) in spite of our sin (Romans 5:8)! How Awesome is that!

Lord I thank you for your provision, your Word and your grace. Without you, life would be hopeless and without joy. I pray you show me, all the more, how to live my life to please and honor you. Help me make wise choices, especially those that bring me ever closer to you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Self Control, Got Some?

Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28

This morning as I was completing day 5 of this weeks bible study homework, conviction fell all over me. I could so relate to the story that the author was sharing of how she felt conviction when studying 'self control'. I sit morning after morning, sipping my coffee with flavored creamers, sometimes eating along with it as I do my study. This morning, as I read about her drinking her coffee, eating dark chocolate and jelly beans, I was drinking coffee and eating strawberry pop tarts. I realized, just as she did how ridiculous this is.

I have spent the last 4 and half years of my life trying to get away from unhealthy eating. I took great measures by the grace of God, to become healthier and happier in my own loose skin and yet I sit here doing what got me in that predicament to begin with. I guess what upsets me about it most is that I am not honoring the temple of God. My body is a temple. He resides in me and I have not been taking care of it. I have let my 'wall' begin to crumble and by doing so I am allowing a foothold for the enemy. A place of weakness for Satan to step through and use to defeat me.

I can remember with great dread and shame how he used my desire for food and my use of it to medicate my feelings to disarm me before. I also know that in the years since, as I gained strength and control over that addiction through the strength of Christ I was able to hold the enemy at bay, at least in that area, and move forward in my relationship with God. I do not want to go back to the way things were.

This morning, as I sit here, I am praying for God's strength to take over in this area. I have stopped at one pop tart, instead of two. As I face this day, and those that follow, I will try to make better choices. I will continue to walk this journey and it will be a battle for me forever because it is an area of weakness in my armor, my wall. But I know, that because I have the ONE who has defeated him on my side, I will win.

Dear Lord I confess my lack of self-control. I ask for your strength, by your Holy Spirit in this area and in any other that I have weaknesses in. I am human, I know they are there, but I know that through you I can make better choices that will allow me to serve you better.

May we all, by the power of the Holy Spirit, ask for God to work in and through us today.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

He Lifts Her Head

Many are saying of me, "God will not deliver him."
But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. Psalm 3:2-4

This morning as I sit in a hotel room waiting to hear from my own sweet daughter, I am encouraged by the Word. I have been working on this weeks Bible study assignments trying to learn and let these words of life, wisdom and hope find their way deep into my heart, into my very being. These words from Psalm 3 stood out to me today. The images in my mind are of a vulnerable child before her father after having done something she is not proud of or that he would find disappointing.

As she stands before him with her face downcast I can just see her sighing deeply, her shoulders drooping with dread and shame. I can sense her hopelessness in that she feels she has failed herself and her father again. Because you see, this has happened before. No matter how hard she tries, there is always something that she just can't get right. Some decision she makes, some remark that escapes her lips, some judgment of another over which she feels guilt for having entertained in her mind if only for a moment.

While she stands there in her weakness she remembers all the mistakes, she confesses them to her father with a small almost inaudible voice. She desperately needs to be heard, to be consoled and to be forgiven. Just as she continues unloading the weight of these millstones around her neck, she begins to feel lightness fill her heart. Her father who loves her is standing and listening to her, not saying a word. His heart is breaking for his beloved child. He knows her pain, he feels it in his own heart.

He waits until she is finished and then, with the most tender touch he reaches for her. With his rough calloused hand scarred from his sacrifices he gently lifts her chin raising her face heavenward to the light. He has heard her. He forgives her. He restores her by bestowing His glory on her and lifts up her head surrounding her with his love and protection. She does not need to continue in shame and guilt, by his grace and in his mercy, she is his child, forever. He says to her, "your sins are forgiven daughter, your faith has saved you, go in peace."

How tender is the Father's heart toward the repentant heart of his child. It gives me hope to know that although I am not perfect and I make mistakes I can come to my heavenly father with true repentance, ask for his forgiveness and it will be granted. I do not have to walk through life with down turned head holding onto the sin of my past. I can hold my head up and walk in the protection and glory he surrounds me with. Praise God!

I thank you God for your forgiving heart and that once confessed you remember it no more. I praise you today because you are in control and you love me in spite of myself. I am encouraged because you give me strength and guidance to walk in the path you direct me to.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Downpour and the Flood

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" Mark 4:35-41

In the bible study I am currently working on, these verses were used as part of the daily study. I have read and reread and pondered and meditated on them for a few days now. Sometimes it takes time for truth to seep its way into my heart and mind, for it to dig deep and take residence there. The lesson was all about how I respond to the 'storms' of life. Not necessarily physical storms, but emotional and spiritual storms. Those times in life when I struggle to breath because the I feel circumstances crushing in around me, or I battle with the choices I need to make when the good of the Spirit pulls one direction and the sinful self pulls the opposite.

In this lesson, the author asked a question concerning recent storms in my life. A list of words were given to describe the storm and I was to pick the word or words to describe it best. Thunderstorm, Flood, Tornado, Earthquake, Hurricane, Tidal Wave, Downpour, Windstorm, Black Cloud, Volcano. Then I was to complete the following sentence by filling in the blanks. My storm is like _____, because..._________. This is my explanation.

My storm is like a Black Cloud looming, then a Downpour and resulting flood, because after the long enduring downpour the flood and its effects remain needing constant action to keep my head above the water line and cleanup for a while yet to come.

Although the other words could describe my storm, these seemed to capture the longevity of the situation. Sometimes the storms come quick with no warning at all. In my case I saw it coming, tried to prepare for it and now I must ride it out continuing to bail the water out of my boat to keep myself afloat. In my boat I have stocked up some supplies that I need and that I can share with those around me to keep them alive and give them a ray of hope in this dark time.

My supplies. Because I saw this Black Cloud hovering over I began preparation for it long before the storm hit. Like any good emergency service worker I knew there were non-perishables I could stock up on and communication equipment that would be vital to my existence. The only truly non-perishable I know of for this kind of storm is Jesus. He is always there, always the same and never ever lets go. What I need to do is to invite Him in and to have faith. My faith needed to be strong and in preparation for this storm I took extra measures to know Him better. To remind myself of who He really is in my life. He is my shelter and my refuge. My Prince of Peace. He is my portion. I had to know this deep inside and have no doubt if I was to weather this storm. I had to know, unlike the disciples in the verse in Mark that He was not only with me but He does indeed care about me.

Second I needed the communication equipment. In this case that is prayer and the Bible. My own lines of communication of course by spending time in prayer, reading and studying the Word, but also the prayers of the faithful. I asked many of my friends and church family to lift me and my family up in prayer before, during and after the storm hit. This act of simple faith has been priceless and irreplaceable to me. It has given me such a sense of peace and comfort throughout.

Because of the pre-planning, my boat has stayed afloat on the flood of circumstances and emotions that resulted. I have been using the provisions to bail the dirty water the enemy tosses into my vessel back out into the murky flood. I have faith that Jesus has control over this situation and I know that in time He will command the flood waters to subside. Until then, I will continue to hold fast to the Word, keep my prayer lines open and active and be willing to share my provisions with those who will listen. I know that not all storms are foreseeable but the preparation can be done daily any way. Because storms are not just possible, they are inevitable I know I must stay prepared by staying close to Jesus.

Lord I thank you that you are closer than a brother. I thank you that you do care and are always with me. I pray that today I will hand over my storm worries to you and continue to trust in your wisdom and strength.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Savoring the “Lasts”

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.   Philippians 1:3-6

This weekend, my husband and I will be savoring one of the many "lasts" with our daughter.  As a senior in high school we are nearing the completion of her journey through childhood and the end of a season in her life.  Her graduation is less than three months away where we will see come to fruition many of the hopes and dreams we have had for her in the last seventeen years.  Of course, we have many more for her future but for now I want to enjoy this season of her life. 

Watching her step outside her comfort zone and really put herself on the line to reach her goals has been difficult as a parent.  I have wanted to protect her from hurt when things didn't go the way she wanted however the lessons she learned by doing so will be with her for a lifetime. She will be competing for the last time as a member of the high school academic team.  Participating in academic competitions since the fourth grade, she has enjoyed the challenge and thrill of quick recall and individual testing.  But this is just one of those moments that we will be treasuring in the next few weeks:  her last school play, her last dance, her last day of school all are on the horizon.

As I look back over her years of primary and secondary education I remember the times that brought joy as well as pain.  As we were in the midst of those moments I know I did not always take the opportunity presented to enjoy my daughter as I should have.  I sometimes overreacted to situations or maybe did not respond adequately with enough enthusiasm.  However, I know in my heart that I have done my best to teach her, to support her, to encourage her to reach out and not be afraid of failure.  I have tried to show her that although we do not always succeed, sometimes what we learn from the experience is what was needed and worth the sacrifice.

I do thank God every time I remember her.  I do always pray for her and I am thankful that she is a child of God.  I am also confident that God is not done with her yet and he will carry His work on to completion.  I have faith that although this season of her life may be drawing to a close, I have so much more to look forward to with her.  I am going to treasure these moments and store them up in my heart, but I will not be sad.  I will rejoice for what is to come.  For each new day with her, and for her as she steps into the next phase of her life and continues the journey to find who she is to become.

Lord Jesus, I thank you today that you blessed me with this beautiful child.  You have given these years to nurture and teach her.  I am thankful for the responsibility that you gave me and the trust that entails.  I have faith that you will walk with her in this new and exciting time in her life.  I am confident you will guide her choices and protect her young heart and mind.  Thank you remaining with us!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The One Sure Thing…Jesus!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8
I have heard the saying many times in my life that "the only sure thing in life is change".  I can say that on many levels that is true.  Everything in life changes.  Who our friends are, where we work, where we go to church.  Our attitudes evolve, our children grow up, parents pass away, our families get closer or sometimes more distant. As I was sitting in a board meeting at my work yesterday, the concept of just how much change has affected every area of my life was displayed in front of me.  The people sitting around the conference tables were all new.  Not necessarily new to me, but new to the positions which brought them to this meeting.  All of us had come up through the ranks together.  We all had experienced struggles, had done our share of complaining about how it would be different if we were in charge.  We all at one time or another had thought that we would forever be stuck in the position we were in years ago, doing the same old thing.  When we were young and just starting out, it was so difficult to see what could be and to realize that nothing stays the same forever.  We couldn't see then that what we were going through, the road we were traveling was just for a season. 
In reality, we will always be changing and evolving.  People, no matter how honorable their intentions will undoubtedly fail us at some point because they are human.  As they experience life they will adapt and adjust not always making the right or best choice.  We need to grow and move to keep us from becoming stagnant in our faith and relationship with God with others.  As we travel the roads of our lives, choosing the direction we should go, we need a focal point that helps us to keep our bearings.  Something that always points true north and would never steer us wrong.  Someone who is steadfast and secure, who will not leave by choice or by death.  An anchor to keep us from drifting too far of course and provides a lifeline to pull us back when we wander.  For me, that is God and his Word.
According to the Bible, the infallible Word of God, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His love is pure and immeasurable.  His strength never wanes. His promise is unquestionable.   Although life is sure to be consistently different from one day or even one moment to the next, God is always the same.  I find comfort and security in knowing Him and knowing He is for me.
Thank you Lord, that today I have you!  Today I can call on you to lead me, to shine light in the darkness, to pull me out of a pit when I fall in, slide in or even jump in. Thank you for being my lifeline and extending it to me even though I do not deserve it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I take Him at his WILL

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation." Psalm 91:14-16


Psalm 91 is one of my absolute favorites. I love it because of the way the description of God's protection warms my heart and reassures me of how He surrounds me with Himself. Usually, I focus on the beginning of this psalm, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust'." v 1-2 because it comforts me and reminds me who He is to me. It soothes my anxious soul in seasons when I feel overwhelmed or threatened.

But today, as I was reading the whole Psalm, when I got to the end, it spoke to me. I was reminded of why He does these things for me. "Because he loves me," he says, "for he acknowledges me." This says that, because I love God, because I acknowledge him that he WILL protect me. When I call upon him he WILL answer me.  It proclaims that he WILL be with me in times of trouble. He WILL deliver me and honor me. With long life he WILL satisfy me and show me HIS salvation!  Praise God!

No where do I see a "maybe", an "if," or even a 'when I can'.  I see the word WILL time and time again.  WILL is a statement of fact a promise of action, meaning "determined or sure to". God WILL do these things.  He WILL, answer me, be with me, deliver and honor me because I responded to His gift of grace.  He WILL show me HIS salvation.  His greatest gift.

I believe God and take him at his word. Not for one moment do I think He would break his word, it is simply not in his character.  I believe these promises, these statements of his devotion and love. I take comfort and confidence that no matter what my situation, when I call out he WILL answer me.   I trust HIM!  I have confidence in His perfect WILL!   Do you?

God thank you for this day. Another day to learn more about you, to share you with others and to rest assured you have a plan for my life.  Thank you for your promises to be in the midst of my life as I live it in acknowledgment of you.  I pray I bring you glory and honor and that I live a life pleasing to you today.  It is in your will, your way and your strength that all these things can be done.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Safe on Daddy’s Shoulders

Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:3-7

As I was doing my bible study this morning I read this scripture in Luke 15 and although I have read this many times, heard it referenced over and over, a picture of safety came to my mind fresh and strong today. I have been studying the parent reference to God as our Heavenly Father and what that truly represents has flooded my mind with images and memories of my own father, grandfather and my husband.

The words "he joyfully puts it on his shoulders" brought to mind the first time my family went to Walt Disney World when I was a child. I remember feeling swallowed up by the crowd because I was only 5 or maybe 6 at the time. I was so excited, but the fact that I could not see past or through the crowd scared me. I tried to stay close to my Dad because he was big, not only in my little eyes, but he was a very tall man. He represented safety to me. I knew he would not let me get lost.

I remember standing in line for a ride and I couldn't see what was going on as we waited and waited. Then, all of the sudden my Dad picked me up and put me on his shoulders. I felt safe and secure there. I could see all around because I was above all the hustle and bustle of the crowd and I could feel that my Dad had a firm secure grip on me. Now, I know in my childhood my father had most likely picked me up like this before, and I do remember my grandfather doing the same thing. I always felt safe and supported. It never frightened me to be on their shoulders. I knew they would not let me go. But this particular time I remember the relief I felt and the joy of being able to see from a new perspective.

My husband also did the same thing with our daughter, Krysten, when she was little. When we went to crowded places like Disney or King's Island or anywhere that we were afraid we could lose track of her, he often would pick her up and put her on his shoulders. She would giggle and beam because she could see and she didn't have to walk. But we would be happy because we knew she was safe. I understand now from my Dad's viewpoint why he would pick me up. It was out of love and his desire to protect me.

I can only imagine that God, my Heavenly Father, would feel the same way. He searched for me, waited for me and found me. He picked me up and joyfully put me on His shoulders and carried me. I believe also that this was not a one time thing. When I feel lost, alone or confused, when I call out to Him to help me, to save me, to guide me because I am scared, He still picks me up and puts me on His broad strong shoulders. He lifts me above the crowd and confusion giving me a sense of safety and security. He gives me a new perspective on whatever my dilemma is. He shows me a new path from a new vantage point. And best of all, He has a firm secure grip on me and will never let me go. He does this because he LOVES me and does not want me to ever be or feel lost again!

Thank you Jesus for your love and your mercy. Thank you for picking us up when we need it. Thank you for holding tightly to us even when we don't hold tightly to you. Thank you for being our Abba, Father, our Daddy! Amen.

Monday, March 9, 2009

For God to Judge, not me.

For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14

Over the last couple of days, I have written about hurt and disappointment at the hands of another. I have been preoccupied with the bitterness, anger and emotional pain that have consumed me and my struggle to find peace. During this time, I realized that I was allowing someone else to determine my outlook, my attitude, and ultimately to steal my joy. I was taking on the responsibility of God, by judging this person and deciding for myself what punishment they deserved. I was angry. I felt mistreated. I felt as though this person thought they got away with their actions because I had decided it best not to call them on it personally in an attempt to avoid further conflict and long term hurt.

But then a very wise man, my husband (don't tell him I said that), reminded me of these words in Ecclesiastes. One of God's promises and a reminder that it is His job not mine to judge. God will bring every deed into judgment. He will reveal all that is hidden, because you see, nothing is hidden from Him. He knows it all, good or bad, and He will deal with it. It is not up to me to judge. Why should I?

I was also reminded in church yesterday that none of us would want a video replay of our lives up on a big screen for all to see. In my life I have hurt someone, and I'm not proud of it. I am sure I have made wrong decisions that adversely affected another even if unintentional. And, I am certain that when judgment day comes, God will hold me accountable for the things I have done for good, as well as the things I have done wrong. We are all human, we all make mistakes and we all will face Jesus someday. The best I can hope for, is that from the time I made the decision to repent and accept Him as my savior that I have tried to live the life He wants me to. That each day I strive to grow closer to Him and be more like Him. I have failed miserably at times. The mere fact that I recognize that, try to improve on that and keep trying to move forward with Him as my guide is testimony to His power and influence in my life. As for those who have not yet accepted Him or have drifted away for a time, I will continue to pray for them. I will pray they find the same hope, the same love, the same grace and mercy I have. I pray they find Jesus!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Turning the Other Cheek

"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.
"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:27-36

Do you suppose there is any one of us who has not been mistreated, swindled or wronged in some way, at least in our own view point? My guess is not likely. Each of us has experienced pain at the hand of another, hurt from the words of another, disappointment at the the actions of another. What is most difficult, is that not every person who has broken our hearts has been someone we would have called an 'enemy' but instead it was a friend or family member.

It seems to me that those closest to us actually hurt us more. The wounds are much deeper when cut by the sharp words of a loved one. The bruise to our heart is longer lasting and harder to recover from when the punch comes from the seemingly selfish choices of a family member. And because of that, it's all the more important and infinitely more difficult, to pray our way out of the temptation to lash back.

Jesus speaks of 'turning the other cheek', not stopping someone from taking your tunic and if someone takes what belongs to you do not demand it back. Why? Because it so much easier retaliate than it is to hold your tongue. It so much easier to repay evil for evil and hit for hit than it is to stand your ground holding to the Word of God. It is easier to harbor hate, than it is to pray for those who have hurt you no matter how large or how small the hurt is.

I pray this morning that each of us finds it in our hearts, because it is there through the power of Jesus, to pray for our enemies. To take the higher, less traveled road and not look for retribution or fairness. When we don't think we have it in us to do it, we have to sincerely ask God to help us with it. It may only be one or two words, "Help me, Jesus", at first. But it will grow if we continue to seek His help, His strength and His love to do it with. It is not in our own abilities that we could ever accomplish this, but in His.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Heated Moments = Hurtful Words

I have been searching this morning for guidance. As we all do at times, I am faced with Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18

The tongue that brings healing is the tree of life,
but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Provers 15:4

I have been searching this morning for guidance. As we all do at times, I am faced with conflict and with that I am filled with competing emotions. These emotions are strong and they demand attention, but I must determine if in doing so external action will be necessary or wise.

When I am upset, hurt, torn by the words or actions of someone else the temptation is always there to react. But, that urge to react must be controlled. It has been my experience that it is seldom prudent to speak when angry or emotionally charged no matter what the reason. Often, when I do not hold my tongue, I say things that are hurtful, even if unintentionally so. On numerous occasions I have allowed myself to react to a barb, or jab from the tongue of another and in doing so I inevitably say the wrong thing. It may even be a truth that comes flying from my mouth, but it is something that was better left unsaid.

The Bible, the Word and wisdom of God, says clearly throughout that our words are to build one another up. If we rebuke another, it should be done in love and not in anger. The words that come from our mouths spill from the overflow of our hearts but our hearts are sometimes deceiving. The heart can be a very fickle thing. We may feel up and happy one moment, down and depressed the next. The only way to avoid letting our heart, our emotions run away with us is to hold our tongue and take time to think it through. Ask ourselves if what we are thinking and feeling is a reaction to a momentary situation instead of a response to a real situation? Does anything need to be said? Will what I am going to say, or want to say serve to build others us or tear them down?

The old saying we have all heard, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" comes into play here. Hurtful words, once hurled into the open, cannot be sucked back in. They have been spoken and heard. They have been received and although forgiveness may come with time they will most likely not be forgotten. I know I must be careful what I say, when I say it and to whom I say it. I must weigh each response against the Word of God and His guidance. I must also pray for self-control so that when I am faced with a difficult situation I will be able to stop myself through the power and strength provided through my relationship with Christ.

I pray this morning for that self-control and for the love of God to flood through me. Let everything and everyone I come in contact with today be seen and heard through the covering He provides. May His love, His wisdom and His guidance be evident in all I think, do and say today.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One Big Family

15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.a]'>[a]
And by him we cry, "Abba,b]'>[b] Father." 16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.
17Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in
his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.  Romans 8:15-17
I am overcome this morning with the knowledge and promise of the great family of God.  This greatness not measured only by it's goodness rather  by it's vastness beyond my comprehension.  I grew up in what most people would consider a big family.  I have six siblings, five sisters and a brother.  We did all the normal things like pick on each other, fight with each  other and ultimately love each other too.  You would think that I would be used to enormity but in fact I am much of loner on many levels. Being surrounded by people all the time with very little privacy made me crave solitude all the more.  Living in a four bedroom home with one bathroom did not lend well to that desire.
I am encouraged now however by the realization that I am never truly alone.  I think my latent tendency from childhood still rears its head and demands to be indulged. My stubborn independence and pride sometimes influences my decision to attempt tasks as an individual that would be best accomplished as a group.   As a result, I then withdraw from the chaos when I feel overwhelmed by constant change seeking quiet solitude with God.  A time when I can converse with Him in prayer, journaling or quiet meditation.  These times help me process my emotions and ask myself the hard questions that help me grow. In these moments however, it is obvious to me that
God is with me and by extension so are those who are called by His Son.
I am thankful that through Jesus Christ I have an extended family of sisters and brothers that although not relatives
by my human blood, are part of my family by His saving blood.  These people, these glorious children of God
have come to my aid in many ways over the years.  They have supported my spiritual growth through prayer
and study, explanation and debate, discussion and compassion.  They have provided for physical needs
during times of great stress or illness.  They have shored me up emotionally by comforting me in loss and
celebrating in times of great joy.  But best of all, even when I am alone, whether by choice or circumstance,
I know I don't have to be.  I can call on Jesus, or I can call on His children.  I never thought that I would want or
need more when it came to family.  The truth is, we all can use more.  More love, more support, more
encouragement and with that comes more family.  The wonderful, crazy, varied beyond measure, enormous
family of God.  And I am so grateful to be a member of it!
I am praying for you, "my family"!  May you be blessed today beyond all you could ever ask or imagine!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bearing with one another in love

2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  Ephesians 4:2-3
What gives me encouragement this morning is knowing that I am forgiven!  Having godly friends lends some level of assurance that they will follow God's word, be patient with me and I with them and bear with one another in love.  Even as faithful followers we still make mistakes.  We still make choices that to us seem important, but to others may seem untimely or inconvenient.  And when that happens, when someone we love, or even
someone we are simply acquainted with does something differently than we would have liked and we feel let down then we need to remember Jesus' command.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another". John 13:34
We must be willing to love one another in spite of ourselves.  We should be humble and gentle remembering that what may be inconsiderate in our eyes may have been innocent in theirs.  We need to look to the heart of the matter and strive to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  Jesus himself, when dying on the cross, said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing" Luke 23:34  If He can ask that, if He can forgive us for the many sins we have committed against Him up to and
including crucifying Him on the cross of Calvary then should we not be able to humble ourselves and forgive our loved ones when they make choices we do not agree with?
I struggle with this myself.  I have argued with myself over and over because of choices my family members have made.  Choices that will affect me and my family.  Choices that will affect all of my siblings in one form another.  It would be easy to just say, "they made that choice, let
them deal with the consequences."  But in my heart, I know that on some level, the decision they made was what they thought was right at the time.  Although, it may not have been the best choice, and there are repercussions, it does not mean that I have to just wash my hands of it.  I should follow God's word and Love them anyway, as God has loved me.
He forgave me of the messes I made in my life.  He has pulled me out of a pit more times than I care to count.  So, should I not humble myself and reach out to my loved one in unity of the Spirit?  I should think so.  It does not mean I approve of the decision that was made.  It simply means that I forgive them, just as God has forgiven me.  I love them, just as God has loved me.  And, I will help them just as God has helped me.
I pray you all have a wonderful and encouraging day in the Lord.  Spend some time with Him today and let Him encourage your heart and your soul.  If your encouragement tank is on empty, pull up to the pump that is the Word of God.  He will fill you up to overflowing!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Better Together

12See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. 14We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. Hebrews 3:12-14

This was a warning and a reminder to the Jewish converts who were wavering in their new found beliefs to watch out for one another. Like most Christians, these new believers had a fierceness about them when they first heard and accepted the gospel of Christ. They wanted to believe
and they were willing to lay down the traditions and the man-made laws that the Pharisees preached for the simplicity of faith in a new relationship with God.

In many ways, the same struggle is still being waged today between rigid ritualized religion and the need for an intimate relationship with the Father through Christ. The distraction of human tradition taking away from focusing on what is truly important, knowing Jesus with our hearts
and not just our minds. Sin is still very much a part of every day life. Temptations are still hurled at us from all directions by the enemy who does not want us to make the eternal connection.

There is Hope! We must share Christ with one another and hold firmly to the confidence we had in the beginning. The fire and excitement we had in the infancy of our relationship is still there if we just take the time to reach for it and hold it as tightly as we possibly can. It's like any other pursuit in which we have a goal. We must spend time nurturing it and working toward our desire. When we stop paying attention to it, it grows cold and elusive.

Light the fire ladies! Pick up your Sword and strap on your shield, put on the whole armor of God! Defend yourselves and each other from the attacks of the enemy by encouraging one another and spending time with the Savior. Do not let the deceitfulness of Satan creep into your lives and convince you it's okay, you can do it on your own today. It's not true!
We need one another and we need Jesus! Let's seek Him together!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Peace, God’s Peace…

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
Peace, God's Peace.  What could be more encouraging or comforting than to have His word, His promise that He gives to us what no one on earth can, peace?  Through faith and believing in not only the existence of the Creator but also recognizing his sovereignty, trusting in his wisdom and being assured of his presence we are experiencing and reaping
the benefit of being his most highly valued creation, children of God.
He wants us to experience life as he planned it, not as the world would have us to.  The outside influences of society and the pressures of living in this fallen world can become overwhelming to any of us if we allow our focus to stray.  We need to look to God when we feel the pull of humanity dragging us away.  He alone can soothe our troubled souls and untangle our confused minds.  He can lighten the load of concern if we share our burden with him in prayer. 
Let's travel our road with Him today allowing Him to take whatever worries we may have as His burden, not ours.  He can handle it. He loves us! 
I pray you each find yourself in a great conversation with Jesus today!  He is waiting for you to talk to him with great anticipation and care.  Will you meet with Him?  Will you share your load?