Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I want my life of faith to be marked by....

I am currently leading a small group bible study called "Hoping for Something Better". I have greatly enjoyed the group study so far and sadly we have only two weeks left. The entire lesson is built around the book of Hebrews focusing on how Jesus is indeed the "Something better" we all long for. This past weeks assignment was on Hebrews 11 and ended with the following question.

Finish this sentence: I want my life of faith to be marked by....

So, after much prayer and pondering I had a response. My study and experience thus far tells me that the characteristics in Galatians 5:22 called the fruits of the spirit are measuring devices in which true faith and dependency on God can be observed. If these characteristics are not exhibited in my behavior and personality, in my interaction with others, then my commitment to God and relationship with Jesus is not primary in my life and therefore my faith is not growing. My prayer and deepest desire is that these qualities are evident in my life and that those I love and those I come in contact with will have no doubt where I stand.

I want my life of faith to be marked by love in the face of rejection, joy in the presence of sorrow, peace in the midst of chaos, patience in spite of provocation, kindness in response to hatred, goodness despite the presence of evil, faithfulness in the face of adversity, gentleness in the face of cruelty and self-control to conquer temptation. I alone cannot accomplish these things, but only through the infilling of the Holy Spirit and a true faith commitment to and relationship with Jesus.