Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sacrificial Thank Offerings

He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me,
and he prepares the way
so that I may show him the salvation of God." Psalm 50:5
the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever." For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,' says the LORD. Jeremiah 33:11
What does it mean to 'sacrifice thank offerings' to God? If we are showing and communicating our thankfulness how then is that a sacrifice? Interesting questions, I believe, however answering is not the difficult part,
following through with the answer is.
Thank offerings are words and ways in which we express to God our grateful attitude for all that he has given us, done for and through us and accomplished in this world. It can be simple 'popcorn prayer"
thrown up at a moment when time is short. It can be a heartfelt plea to our loving God on bended knee.  However, I believe that the best way to show our thanks is to make a sacrifice of some sort. We can sacrifice our time, our talent, our possessions or our money.
When we sacrifice our time we are devoting time that may otherwise be wasted in a worldly sense. Instead of watching television we study the Bible. Instead of going to a movie on Saturday afternoon, we volunteer
at a shelter or food kitchen. Instead of rushing from church on Sunday morning to try and beat the crowds to the restaurants maybe we should find a way to serve at church; help with the children, parking, participate in a bible study group. Finding some way to be an active member in the family of God through service.
Using our talent can be anything from cleaning up, to singing to teaching to rocking babies in the nursery. We all have gifts that God has given us to use to further and to nurture his kingdom. There are many jobs in the church that need to be done that most people never think of, you just need to ask where you can be of use.  We have to be willing to make that
sacrifice of self to step out on faith and take action on it.  If you don't know what it is you are good at, try different things that may sound interesting to you. You just never know where that right fit might be.
Sacrificing our possessions or money is for some most difficult and for others easy. Those who find it difficult sometimes are inhibited by a lack of trust. They don't trust the leadership of the church or organization to which
they are giving to use their gift wisely. Sometimes it is warranted but in most cases its an excuse not to give.  For others, it's the easy way out. They would rather donate in this way to reserve their time for what they consider to be more important. Granted some are truly over burdened with obligations that truly are important, caring for a sick or incapacitated family member or working long hours to provide for the needs of their families. We all need to look long and hard at our sacrificial giving in whatever manner in which we accomplish it. We need to examine our priorities to determine if we are honoring God in our lives by anything other than lip service. Saying thank you is appreciated, but showing thankfulness and gratitude through sacrifice can expand the kingdom and for that there is no greater blessing.
Lord God, I do thank you for all you do and have done in my life.  I thank you for just being the loving, gracious God who created me and provides for my needs.  Please, show me ways to put action to my words God.  Lead me in acts of service to put hands and feet to my faith and further your kingdom.