Friday, May 8, 2009

Be Still..

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10


Many people in today's society speak of how busy we are as human beings. This daily grind, so to speak, that keeps us moving from one engagement to another day in and day out rules our time. The speed at which life moves today seems so quick in comparison to times of old. All of the technology, the modes of communication that are constantly
bombarding our senses leave little room for quietness in our lives. The constant barrage of stimuli and demands on our much coveted time seem almost overwhelming making it a necessity to purposefully plan for a few moments of focused devotional time with God.
I have heard and even said myself that today's life is much more hectic and rushed than past generations. However, it occurred to me that although in some ways that may be true, intentionally sitting down and being with God has apparently been an issue since the beginning. This verse from Psalm 46:10 was not recently added to the Word of God to address our current situation. It has always been there. He knew from the beginning that we, as his creations, as human beings, would have attention issues. He told us from the beginning the secret to knowing Him and being connected to Him. We must "be still" and "know" that He is God! We need to stop all the things that distract us and concentrate on recognizing and perceiving the truth of who He is in our lives.  We need to communicate with Him and he with us and the only way we will be able to do that is by blocking out all else and giving Him center stage in our hearts and minds.
God I thank you this morning for knowing me and recognizing the struggle I would have in prioritizing my time to
spend with you.  Thank you for giving me instructions and being faithful to listen and speak when I seek you first.

The instructions are clear, we just have to follow them!