and he prepares the way
so that I may show him the salvation of God." Psalm 50:5
Forgiveness is difficult, forgetting, impossible. How many of us have said, "I can forgive but not forget"? As human beings we tend to hold on to the past. Our memories, although not perfect since I sometimes can't remember why I went from one room to the next, are part of what makes us who we are. Our minds hold on to images, scents, sensations, all things that bring back a particular moment in our life experience on this planet. Sometimes the moments are good, heartwarming flashes that give us the warm and fuzzy feeling like being a child wrapped tightly in a quilt by our grandmother. Yet others are upsetting and painful filling us with dread and tears.
As we travel our journey in this human form waiting on eternity we spend day after day making new memories, having new experiences that fill our minds with tidbits of information to look back to. Some of us stop to make intentional memories. We soak in the smell of flowers, cologne, hand lotion, whatever reminds us of a particular person. I will always remember my grandmother every time I smell Jergens hand lotion. When I was little she always had a bottle sitting on her dresser. The cherry almond scent is forever embedded in my mind and it always brings me to her and the way she loved me.
Our memories can be tools for good but they can also be instruments of evil. When we hold on to memories of difficult, hurtful or disastrous moments in our lives and we relive those events not letting them go it becomes a stumbling block for us. If we constantly punish ourselves or others for our past indiscretions and bad decisions or actions we become locked in the pattern of unforgiveness. Although we may never truly forget the past, we must be willing to let go of the pain. We cannot hold on to those moments or seasons allowing them to be our focus if we expect to move past them to a personal relationship with God. We must forgive as he does. In Hebrews 8:12 he says, " For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more". As followers, believers, disciples of Jesus we have been washed, sanctified and justified in his Holy name by the Spirit of God. Even if we think forgiving and forgetting is not probable remember, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
Dear God I am so thankful for the reminder today that you can work in and through me. You have washed me of my sins, you have set me apart, sanctified for your purpose and you have justified me through your son Jesus and by your Holy Spirit. It is through you that I have been given the power to forgive and the capacity to forget. Thank you, thank you for helping me move on to better things in you!
If you are stuck somewhere in your past, ask God to help you let go and live! It is beyond the power of the human mind but nothing is impossible with God!
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10
The instructions are clear, we just have to follow them!
Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever. Psalm 146:3-6
Every time I watch the news I am reminded of just how fallible and unreliable humankind is. Yet, it has been my experience that many people tend to put those they look up to on a pedestal of sorts. The adorning fans of movie stars and music mavens revere them as they expect perfection. The followers of the political leaders and media giants expect nothing short of great wisdom and impeccable decision making. The congregants of popular preachers or evangelists, even Christian based music makers, assume these standouts lead lives above reproach. So many put their faith in people who by virtue of their position, talent and profession are in the public eye.
God's word clearly tells us not to put our trust in "princes, in mortal men, who cannot save". God knows that all human beings are imperfect creatures and they will make bad decisions. These people who are in positions of leadership either by choice or circumstance are still lowly humans. This includes local church leaders, local government, your bible study leaders or pastors. Even, your friends, coworkers and family members are not exceptions. They will let us and themselves down.
It is easy for us to look to someone else to be an example of what we think 'good' is. It is almost a relief to feel as though we cannot measure up. It takes the pressure off to hold someone else to higher accountability than ourselves. And, when those individuals whom we have put on the pedestal trips, stumbles or falls in a crashing heap we quickly stand in judgment. However, instead of seeing all of their mistakes and deciding that they should have known better, maybe we should look in a mirror. Looking closely at ourselves before we start casting stones to see that we too are imperfect and have made mistakes. Would we want to be the one with our lives in all its ugliness displayed in the public eye?
To me, what we must remember, what I have been convicted by, is that by God's grace I am forgiven therefore, I must also forgive. I must be willing to accept people for who they are and show them the same love and mercy which I have received from a gracious and loving God. I have received many 'second' chances in my life and I have to be willing to afford others that same opportunity. God changed me. He has smoothed some of my rough edges. He has strengthened some of my weak places and mended many cracks in this simple clay pot. I am still a work in progress. I have to remember, we all do, that we are all continuous works in progress in the Master's hands. I have no room in my life for condemnation and judgment of others for I would be beaten bloody by the stones that could be thrown my way were it not for the sacrifice of Jesus!
God thank you, thank you for your gift of salvation and the forgiveness afforded me through Jesus. I want always to remember this truth and to see others through your eyes. Fill my heart Lord with your love and place in me your forgiving spirit. Let me not think too highly of myself to ever sit in judgment of another but show me ways to encourage the fallen to look to you, for you are our hope!
God is good, all the time...All the time, God is good! May his grace be sufficient for you today!