Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."
Exodus 20:20
Have you ever had a day where things just don't come together? I'm not talking about major issues, although that certainly has happened to me before, but a day when all the small things just seem off. A day when from the time you get up out of bed in the morning you feel almost as though the universe is lined up against you. I had one of those days yesterday and I thought I would take a moment to share my thoughts on this.
As I got up yesterday morning, I just felt tired. I didn't want to get up. I had no energy and certainly no enthusiasm for the day ahead. I finally did get up and when I did I just felt like I was walking in a fog. I followed my morning routine and took that all important shower, where I should add, I got shampoo in my eyes; this was number 1. I finished the getting beautified and presentable routine and made my way down the hall to the kitchen for that all important cup of coffee.
I have this new, by-the-cup coffee maker that uses little pods and wouldn't you know it all I had left in my supply was decaf; number 2. Moving ahead I sit down in my usual spot at the dining room table to do my devotion and all the things I had forgotten to get done the day before come rushing into my mind. I can't concentrate so I give up on bible study or writing. I know there is no point when I can't quiet the thoughts in my head long enough to hear from God. This I am certain is where I made my mistake, where I failed the test of the day.
Many times in my Christian walk I have been bombarded by errant thoughts when I was trying to spend time with my Heavenly Father. Most of the time instead of reading, writing or any of the usual things I do to try to direct my concentration on the task at hand I try to 'be still' just as the He says in his Word. When I do this and I try to sit in silence, or at least my own silence, my spirit and my mind calm down and I begin to relax. I start praying just a few words at a time giving God a chance to speak to my spirit. But not yesterday. I forged ahead. I left for work early so I could run the errand I forgot the day before. I did not stop and let God become my focus for the day and really give Him center stage. From that point on, the day was rough and completely off kilter.
Once I got to work I fell into my routine. I tried to make coffee, made a mess. I tried to fix my usual bowl of oatmeal and spilled it all over the place. I sat down at my desk to start on my paper work and could not focus. A co-worker offered me a doughnut which I told her I certainly did not need but ate anyway and not 10 minutes later my pants ripped up the side and I had to go home and change. And somewhere in there, and I am not sure where, I spilled something on my uniform shirt. It goes on, but I'm sure you get the gist. As all of this was going on my patience and attitude were effected. I got more and more agitated which in turn made the situation worse.
I am not saying that everyday goes perfectly when I do spend my morning with God. But what I know is that when I do, the little inconveniences do not grow into monumental messes, at least in my own mind. I realized later as I was thinking back over the day what was different. I prayed and asked God to calm me and give me some peace. This morning I was talking to Him before my feet even hit the floor. And I gave myself enough time to not be rushed so I could spend some time in His quiet presence asking Him to be my compass and give direction to this day. I hope you do the same. If you haven't done this yet, do it now. It makes a world of difference.
Dear God I thank you for being in my life and for guiding me. I thank you for loving me enough to test my faith and resolve. It's only through you that I have the strength and the courage to face each day. When I focus on you first instead of on the busyness of my life things just seem to fall into place and my approach and reaction is tempered by your mercy and grace. Please be with me today as I walk in your light. Help me to shine it on those around me and help me to live out the blessing you have so graciously afforded me so that others will see you!
I pray each of you find you special quiet moments with God today. He alone is in control and can give you what you need for each moment of every day!
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