whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8
Trust in the Lord! We have all heard those words spoken by many a pastor, bible teacher and friend. But if you are like me learning to put total trust in God takes time. It's much easier said than done. This verse gives a bit of guide as to how to grow in your relationship with God and a snapshot of what this connection could look like as it matures.
In comparing the trusting believer to a tree planted near water we can visualize a healthy, strong and well watered specimen that can withstand the tests of weather and drought. The water of the stream is the Word of God. It provides us with a powerful supply of health sustaining, refreshing and life giving fluid that feeds our thirsty souls and minds. Without constant water sources a tree would dry up and begin to shrivel and wither away. We are much the same. Without the continuous feeding on the "living water" that is the Word of God our spirit would be want for nourishment. Our souls would be gaunt without the life and light of Jesus resulting in our wandering aimlessly through life as easy prey for the enemy.
However, sending our roots deep into the Word, the 'living water' we will be well supplied, well nourished with storehouses of faith, hope and love. As our spirits are fed spending time with God in bible study and prayer our souls are fortified for battle. As the heat comes, we need not fear for our heavenly storehouses are filled to overflowing with the everlasting Word of God. Our leaves will always be green and will not wither because we have built our root system over time, it will not fail us. There is no need to worry when the drought comes, or a storm blows in, because we have a firm footing that will hold firmly through the harshest wind. With daily tending it will be strong enough that even if the surface is parched and arid,
far below in the depth of our soul the connection to our provider is still actively sustaining us in the midst of difficult times.
Through all the droughts and storms of life, as we keep our life-sustaining, spirit feeding, soul quenching roots steadfastly joined to the giver of life, we will overcome and we will continue to bear fruit. We will stand, submitted and obedient, thankful for His power in us. With each dry spell or wind storm your trust will increase and strengthen. Although we may have
wind torn branches and our leaves may be a little worse for the wear, we will share what we have learned with others who need to hear it so they can have the same hope and learn to trust just as we did.
God thank you so much for feeding my soul and quenching the thirst of my soul each day. Thank you for not allowing me to be out here alone in a weather torn world. I ask you to help me keep my roots planted and encourage me to dig deeper and deeper for a stronger foundation in you. Show me how to stand firmly and to share that knowledge with others to inspire trust in You!
My friends I pray that today you feel the refreshing rush of the "living water" of God. Take the time today to help your roots go deeper and build a stronger root system for dry times and stormy days. Share what you know, even if you are in a time of crisis now, because your experience and trust can inspire others and shine the light of God's hope in their lives.
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