Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Way

Encouragement, that is the topic of this weeks devotions.  Something we all need, certainly, but it is an act of kindness that each of us can perform to lift the spirit of another.  The dictionary defines encourage as "to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence" or "to stimulate by assistance, approval, etc."  It is a verb in its many forms which denotes action on the part of the giver and on the receiver. 
We not only need to practice giving encouragement but receiving it.  If you are anything like me than you do not always receive what is meant to build you up because you do not believe you deserve it. You find it hard to fathom that anyone else thinks you do, or you simply belittle your abilities or the contribution that you have made.  We all need to learn to receive the inspiring words, the hope building actions offered to us by others.  Now, I am not saying we need to be self-serving or overconfident, however God sends others to build us up, to be his hands and feet.  We should
be open to listening and take it into our spirit, into our heart and let it lift us up or give us affirmation of our calling as a child of God.
We should look to God to see our worth not to man.  But, God sometimes uses other humans to deliver His message. Remember my friends, you are a highly valued child of the Most High God.  He sees to your needs and knows every hair on your head.  Nothing is unimportant to Him.
I pray you each find someone to encourage today.  Look for the opportunity, but also allow your heart to receive what is meant to build you up as well.  It's neither selfish nor vain to need encouragement nor is it unnecessary.  We all need it and God will provide what we need.  Open your hearts and let God fill you to overflowing.