Friday, February 20, 2009

Bad Habits We Cannot Afford

It's a new day and with it comes new opportunities to do the things we may have not done so well yesterday. I know that sometimes I 'shut down' inside or 'back away' when I feel as though I have failed someone, especially God. When I haven't spent the time with him like I should, it's like any other relationship. It becomes easier with each passing moment, each day away to just let that relationship 'rest in the past'.

It becomes habit. A bad habit for sure, but a routine none the less. It's just like friends or even family members in some cases that maybe we haven't talked to as often as we should. First it is a few days, then those days become weeks, weeks become months and before you know it, years have passed. We may speak to them in passing, send a card on their birthday or at Christmas and then one year we forget.
Just once, but instead of making contact, we say "I'll wait until their birthday" and then that passes. The routine is set. Then out of embarrassment, or busyness or apathy we just move on.

Our relationships with others are important. The connection to other human beings are a large part of how God built us to be. Our relationship with Jesus is much the same. When we step back from church, then we start disconnecting. We rationalize and say that we have good reason or we will go back soon when we find the right place, the right pastor,
the group to go with. But in our minds we say we are okay because we still read the Bible and pray.

Then that routine breaks down because priority is given to other things. We cannot afford in this lifetime, since it is the only one we get here on earth, to let our relationship with God become unimportant or take a back seat. It has to be priority. It has to come at the beginning not the end of our to-do list. Finding a place of worship and committing to being a vital member of that body is what each of us are meant for. We may be different
appendages or pieces but we all have a job to do that God gifted us uniquely for. If we don't act on it or search for it then we are letting God down and leaving a hole in the body of Christ that is shaped just like us!

I pray we all find the right place for us. Pray for God's guidance, for Him to get you out of bed in time for service and for Him to show you what to do when you get there. He is faithful. He will not leave us alone in the dark!