Friday, January 2, 2009

That’s When Mammaw Smiled…

An offer of food… or maybe even two,

Was made to everyone young or old.

Leaving her house hungry just wouldn't do,

Full tummies and warm hearts were her goal.

                 That's when Mammaw smiled….

Planting seeds in the garden and helping it grow,

Was her summertime passion for sure.

Hoeing weeds, stomping lettuce beds, making an old scarecrow,

So there were vegetables and flowers galore.

                  That's when Mammaw smiled….

Over many a quilt she labored so steady,

Each piece cut and stitched with great love.

For babies, for birthdays, for Christmases and weddings,

Each one like being wrapped in her eternal hug.

                   That's when Mammaw smiled….

She made our dresses for weddings and dances,

Outfits for Christmas, for plays and for fun.

She sewed with pride leaving nothing to chances

Making sure we were ready for our day in the sun.

                  That's when Mammaw smiled….

She loved her family, all of us one by one.

She knew what each of us liked.

With hugs and kisses to show her love,

She soothed and comforted when things weren't just right.

                    That's when Mammaw smiled….

In Mammaw's house on Holidays we gathered,

Though small and cramped it may have seemed.

The only gift she wanted was for us to be together

A close-knit family is the legacy she leaves.

                   That's when Mammaw smiled….

When Heaven opened, and she heard her name

She joined her husband and son so dear.

I know in my heart that when God's call came,

She was happy and smiling from ear to ear.

                   That's when Mammaw smiled….

Sandy Ott 12/16/08