Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Listen and See

Wow, another day that God has graced me with.  It's still dark outside this morning as I type this, so I can't see what He has created for me to enjoy.  But, I hear one of his most amazing creations outside in the tree singing.  A bird or two is singing the day into beginning.  I hear a couple of different calls and tones out there, so I know they are there even though I can't see them.  Much like God, I don't see him bodily, but that doesn't make him any less there.
Listen for God's voice today as you go through your day.  He will speak to you if you have ears to listen and an open heart readied by faith.  Take your concerns to him, take your praises to him and most of all remember to thank him regardless of your circumstance.  He is right there beside you, every step you take.  Take hold of his hand, and know that you can do anything through Christ who gives you strength.