Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gleaning Faithfully

I am still studying the book of Ruth.  Today I was reading a sermon by Charles Spurgeon.  He made a very interesting point about the 'gleaning' that Ruth did and how that could be applied to the spiritual life of a Christian.  Ruth gleaned for food.  She spent her days stooped over picking up what was left behind by the work crews harvesting grain in the fields.  She worked hard and only took short rests to  refresh herself.  Working from sun up to sun down,
she never stopped until her arms and hands were loaded to capacity.  She was not afraid of the hard work and she did not shun her duties.  She did not expect a  hand-out and did not expect her job to be easy.
As a Christian, do we expect our 'gleaning' of the fields to be easy because God will bless our efforts to increase the Kingdom?  I think sometimes we do.  When something does not come easy, or if it requires a bit of effort, than we automatically think it is not God's will.  I'm not sure that is an accurate attitude.  There are many instances in history and accounts in the Bible where work was involved.  God does not promise us an easy road, just that He will be with us as we travel that road.  He does not promise us that no work will be involved, just that He will bless us for work that glorifies and grows His Kingdom. And, He does not
promise us that there will not be any "apparent failures" to our efforts.  Sometimes it may seem like a failure to us, but He has a bigger plan and what we see as a mistake or lack
of success may in fact be a part of His overall picture.
The fact that we take the time to know Him, to study His word and to try our best to follow His example shows Him our heart.  It will increase our faith and ultimately His kingdom when we share that relationship with others.  So don't be discouraged by a set-back.  It may in fact
be a set-up for something in the future.  Keep gleaning from his word, from the fields in your circle of influence and be willing to step out on faith when he calls you to glean else where, even outside what you are comfortable with.  He will be beside you all the way and he will
give you what you need to be successful, by his plan and in his time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ruth’s decision…

I was reading a commentary last night on the Book of Ruth.  I have been drawn to this small but very meaningful, 4 chapter story of a stranger, an outcast who decides to follow a God she really did not know.  Ruth was a child of Moab and grew up worshipping idols.  She met a man named Mahlon and married him and was introduced to the God of Israel. There are not many details given about their relationship, but I believe, just as the commentator who wrote the account I was reading, that it is safe to surmise some things.
Naomi, Ruth's mother-in-law, must have been a great role model.  She must have taught and treated Ruth very well for even after her husband and his brother and father had died, Ruth was still willing to go with Naomi back to Judah.  A foreign land where she would expect to be treated as an outsider, an outcast.  But instead, since she embraced this new God and the ways of his people, she was rewarded for her faith.  She was redeemed.  Her kinsman-redeemer, Boaz was willing to put himself out
for her.  He accepted her and took her in, married her and made her his own.
Does any of this sound familiar?  Boaz is the precursor for Jesus.  He redeemed a lost soul in spite of where she came from, or what she had done.  Ruth had faith in God, and because of that she was accepted.  Is that not the same for each of us?  God loves us, and extends his grace to us, but we have to have enough faith to accept his gift and be redeemed by the blood of Jesus. There are all kinds of interesting tidbits in the story of Ruth. She is the great-grandmother of King David and therefore in the line of Jesus.  She had no idea that her decision to follow Naomi was important, but it was. She had no inkling that her choice to follow God would be pivotal, but it was.  And, she had not a clue that the man whose field she gleaned in would be her redeemer, but he was.
Each choice we make, no matter how small at the time, may be important.  (No pressure here.) But it occurs to me that we need not take things for granted and weigh our decisions out against the Word of God.  You never know how it may affect generations from now.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I think we all got a bit Spring-sick last week when the thermometer was tipping 60 degrees. Or at least, I know I was. But we are back to the way things are meant to be, cold, frosty, crisp. At my house the sun is shining across the top of the trees, so that gives me hope for a decent day. So, you may be wondering, why talk about the weather? We are all friends and surely there is something more important to talk about. There most likely is, but as I sit in the dining room, drinking my cup of protein-laced decaf, I am surrounded by windows. Since the sun is already up and I am not looking into a black abyss, which is how I feel when its dark and dreary outside, my mood is lifted by sunshine. It is a proven fact that our mood and demeanor is affected by sunlight, or lack there of. More people are depressed and inactive in the winter months, not just because it is cold, but because they do not get enough natural light.

Considering that, I have to wonder why God designed the earth, the universe, the seasons, the way he did. I have no doubt he had his reasons. In nature, this dormant period gives plants and animals a chance to regroup, to mature and in some cases to reproduce to be ready for an explosion of life in the Spring. I think in some ways, we human beings are much the same. Maybe we get a little extra rest during the winter because there are no 'fields' to tend. There is less light, so less time to spend outdoors, and it is cold so who would really want to. We have more time to spend in the company of family and friends. More time to spend with God, in his Word. This too, is our time to rest, regroup, to mature and in some cases, reproduce. There are always lots of babies born in the late summer and early fall when the winters are particularly cold, so watch out!

Take this time of 'hibernation' and use it to its fullest extent. Spend quality time with your loved ones and most especially with God. I pray each of you find a church to call home today. That you spend some time in worship and in study. Make connections to other members of the family of God. It is what he created us for! Relationship!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Adjustment..Worth the Wait?

I pray each of you had a wonderful night's sleep last night.  I have had better, but not because of worry or stress, I got a new pillow!  My chiropractor recommended a contour pillow to help the problem with my neck and although it doesn't seem that hard to to the touch, it is that hard to sleep on it.  I realize that it will take a few nights for me to adjust but do you ever wonder why it is that you would want to do something that takes 'adjusting to' instead of what is comfortable from the get go?
In all honesty, I never really thought about it much.  In today's society we all look for instant gratification.  We all want it NOW!  We want our food now, we want our clothes now, we want what we want and we want it now.  No waiting,
no learning, no adjusting.  If it is not exactly as it should be from the beginning we get grumpy and dissatisfied. 
I have learned that with God not everything comes quickly or when I would like for it to.  In life, the things we have to work on or wait for are always the most important.  Like being pregnant.  Sometimes it takes a while to accomplish that
status, and then 40 weeks of carrying the baby to finally give birth.  But man is it worth the wait.  Getting married for most of us is the same way.  Going through college.  Training for the right job. Building any kind of relationship...they all take
time.  Even building our relationship with Jesus.  Although he accepts us, he forgives us and he loves us from the start, building that relationship of trust and faith takes time.  So, I will give my pillow time to grow on me, for us to meld together for my
well-being and my comfort.  My relationship with Jesus has been worth the sacrifices and worth the work and worth the wait.  I'm betting my pillow will be too!  My neck is depending on it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Warmth of God

It's cold, very very cold outside this morning, and on days like this I just want to stay cuddled up in a warm blanket with a hot cup of cappuccino and read a good book.  Alas, my fortune does not lead me in that direction, but to enter into the bitter cold and travel the few miles to work.
When thinking about the cold, and how lonely and empty it feels, I thought about the times when I feel far away from God.  When I haven't spent time with Him and I haven't talked to Him.  The same desolation fills my soul during those times that is almost overwhelming on quiet, bitterly cold morning like today.  Nothing is moving. No birds are singing. And the warmth of God's spirit seems far far away.
But not today.  I feel His presence with me and despite the frigid temperatures and a light dusting of the white stuff, there are little birds singing outside my window. I am not alone, not because I hear the birds, but because I have spent the morning singing His praises in the shower, talking to Him about my day, thanking Him for the blessings of my family and friends and asking Him to guide my steps as I travel through this coming day.
I pray you too feel the warmth of His presence in your life today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Listen and See

Wow, another day that God has graced me with.  It's still dark outside this morning as I type this, so I can't see what He has created for me to enjoy.  But, I hear one of his most amazing creations outside in the tree singing.  A bird or two is singing the day into beginning.  I hear a couple of different calls and tones out there, so I know they are there even though I can't see them.  Much like God, I don't see him bodily, but that doesn't make him any less there.
Listen for God's voice today as you go through your day.  He will speak to you if you have ears to listen and an open heart readied by faith.  Take your concerns to him, take your praises to him and most of all remember to thank him regardless of your circumstance.  He is right there beside you, every step you take.  Take hold of his hand, and know that you can do anything through Christ who gives you strength.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Storms of Life

This morning I am looking out the dining room windows at the pouring rain. Who would have thought we would have a real live, lightning and thunder laden storm in January. I don't know about you but I generally associate thunder storms with Spring and Summer. You all know how I feel about these type of storms, especially the lightning! This morning however, I am not so much alarmed by it as I am humbled and reminded of how awesome God really is.

The storms come and go, and we lowly humans, have no real control over them. All we can do is find shelter from them, try to plan and prepare accordingly and be obedient when given instructions on how to remain safe. The power and force of the physical storms are a spectacle to behold and deserve our utmost respect. The choices we make in how to respond during a storm could ultimately impact the rest of our lives.

The storms of life, the situations, circumstances and challenges that sometimes overwhelm us are no different. Most of the time, we didn't choose them. We can't control them. But, we must deal with them and respect the power and force of the storm that has effected our life. The amount of preparation we have made by getting in the Word and spending time with God can determine the outcome or at least our response. Our obedience to the Father and his Word can ultimately change our circumstance and our feeling of safety throughout. The choices and decisions we make based on those factors will impact the rest of our days here on earth and our
eternity in heaven.

This morning my friends, take the time, and spend it with the Father in his Word. Thank him for the blessings but also for the storms, because it is through those storms that we grow closer to Him and we stretch our spiritual wings and soar. A 'storm' may be looming, or you may be in the midst of it, or you may just now be seeing the light of day on the other side; but I promise you that somewhere in there you will have learned something that will impact your outlook and build your faith if you just take the time to embrace it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A Journey to Know Him

Stepping up in relationship with God
A journey to know Him better.

How He protects me from deceit and evil
Sharp tongues of hate that fetter.

He is my help, my rescuer always there
His might and strength run high

I pray to be used planting seeds, going forth
with boldness and courage, not shy

His Grace is sufficient, His guidance is sure
By His protection fear is cast out

His safety I feel, His security I know
His Love is all encompassing, without doubt.

He surrounds me like a fortress
A great and impenetrable wall.

With confidence I do not question
For He is faithful above all.

In Him I find my purpose, my reason
He must be in the fight to win it

His blessed assurance so sweet
With reverence and awe I commit

Growth springs up out of struggle
His freedom gives birth to forgiveness

Praise My God for His limitless grace
In His redemption I humbly find rest

So immeasurable is His wisdom
I remain confident in His hope

On the foundation of His covenant promises
Through trials and troubles I cope

I lift my hands in worship and praise
To the maker of heaven and of earth

He is My God, My Redeemer, My Friend
In Him alone do I find my worth.

Sandy Ott
November 2008

That’s When Mammaw Smiled…

An offer of food… or maybe even two,

Was made to everyone young or old.

Leaving her house hungry just wouldn't do,

Full tummies and warm hearts were her goal.

                 That's when Mammaw smiled….

Planting seeds in the garden and helping it grow,

Was her summertime passion for sure.

Hoeing weeds, stomping lettuce beds, making an old scarecrow,

So there were vegetables and flowers galore.

                  That's when Mammaw smiled….

Over many a quilt she labored so steady,

Each piece cut and stitched with great love.

For babies, for birthdays, for Christmases and weddings,

Each one like being wrapped in her eternal hug.

                   That's when Mammaw smiled….

She made our dresses for weddings and dances,

Outfits for Christmas, for plays and for fun.

She sewed with pride leaving nothing to chances

Making sure we were ready for our day in the sun.

                  That's when Mammaw smiled….

She loved her family, all of us one by one.

She knew what each of us liked.

With hugs and kisses to show her love,

She soothed and comforted when things weren't just right.

                    That's when Mammaw smiled….

In Mammaw's house on Holidays we gathered,

Though small and cramped it may have seemed.

The only gift she wanted was for us to be together

A close-knit family is the legacy she leaves.

                   That's when Mammaw smiled….

When Heaven opened, and she heard her name

She joined her husband and son so dear.

I know in my heart that when God's call came,

She was happy and smiling from ear to ear.

                   That's when Mammaw smiled….

Sandy Ott 12/16/08