You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14
Each of us is called to be free in Christ. He desires for us to accept his gift of salvation and offer our obedience as a result. Once we make a decision for Jesus we are freed from the bondage of sin and death. We are no longer doomed to an eternity of darkness and torment, but a forever with our Lord in Heaven.
As we live our lives we are called to act out our faith in loving ways. Although we are freed, we are not exempt from the attraction and temptation of sin. The enemy will most certainly continue his attempts to persuade and manipulate. Part of that is trying to convince us that freedom means we can do whatever we want, whenever and where ever we want to do it.
In America we live a self-entitled existence. Over generations we have convinced ourselves we deserve it. In the name of free speech, and freedom of expression we have allowed hurtful and damaging information and images to be broadcast into our public airwaves and printed in public view. Freedom of religion has resulted in limiting of religious freedom for some by taking away the right to pray in schools and public events. Instead of standing by, we should be bold and courageous and take a stand even when it is not popular. Too many compromises of our values have plunged us into the predicament we are now experiencing.
Freedom in Christ is what we as believers, followers, disciples of Jesus are entitled to. That simply means that we are free to love one another as He commanded us to do. We should hold others in higher regard than ourselves. We should not walk through life with blinders on and watch out only for ourselves. We should be motivated by love and not by criticism and condemnation. We should be looking for the good in others, building them up and not tearing them down. We should strive to live as examples to others of what a Christian is to encourage them and be the flesh of Christ before there eyes. We should, in love, take a stand and be bold in our faith when needed.
Let's claim our victory in Jesus and live in the freedom it affords by being true to Him and serving others in His name for his glory!
God thank you today for the freedom you have given me. Thank you for the men and women who are fighting today, this minute, to protect that right of physical freedom and the right I have to worship you. Help me to remember your Word and be faithful to live a life that brings glory and honor to you.
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