To what lengths would you go to communicate with God? With anyone else?
I was sitting in a high school cafeteria a few days ago with my husband while we were waiting for the next round of an academic competition to take place. Our daughter was there to participate in the regional competition, and during the lunch break we were just relaxing and enjoying the camaraderie of the students. As I was observing this very diverse group of teenagers that we were surrounded by I noticed one young man sitting in a window sill across the room. He caught my attention because he looked extremely uncomfortable. He was twisted and stretched. He was contorted in all directions reaching high as he craned his neck to lean as close to the window as he could possibly get. Several feet away from the closest group, I thought at first he was just trying to protect his privacy. But then I saw it. The cell phone!
The realization hit me as I watched him, just how silly he looked trying with all he had in him to get a good signal. I don't know who he was conversing with but I could imagine maybe a girlfriend or some other teenage VIP. I could not help but smile as he tried to balance himself on the ledge and lean toward the window swaying back and forth, stopping when he found a 'good spot'. The great lengths he went to and even the personal discomfort he endured to try to communicate completely oblivious to how ridiculous he looked while doing so.
After seeing this young person trying so hard to make a connection, I started watching others. There were many dancing similar jigs. Some had their hand in the air holding their phones and walking around trying to find a few extra bars of signal. Some even tried touching parts of the building structure hoping it would act as a conduit or antenna. It really was quite amazing and amusing to watch.
I noticed people at church and other faith-building meetings of the family of God exhibiting the same behavior. And I wondered, would they apply that same uninhibited freedom to their worship or communication with God? Some do, but most are too concerned with how it will look or what other people might think. Would their peers think them crazy if they stood up in church during worship, without being asked, and raised their hands in reverence to God? Would going to the altar to pray make them look weak? Would anyone think less of them or find them 'different' if they were freely speaking the Word of God and witnessing to the unsaved with the same single-minded fervor?
I only say these things because I have struggled with the same issues myself. There was a time when I wouldn't raise my hands to the Lord just because I didn't see many others doing so. There was a time when I was to shy to go forward and pray at the altar before, during or after church because I didn't want to be singled out. There was a time as well when I was too afraid to speak about Jesus and the profound impact He has had on my life to others.
The fact is that reconciling mankind with God is what Jesus died for. It is our legacy as children of the King. We are entitled to approach the Father because we have an open pathway to Him now thanks to Jesus. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'." John 14:6 NIV My desire is to be more audacious in my worship. I have come to recognize in recent years that God wants us to communicate with Him at all times and in all circumstances. I want to follow the edict in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray continually". I pray for courage and boldness to speak His truth to anyone who will listen and to do so in love and with compassion. I believe that if I search for Him with all my heart I will find Him because he promised "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13 I want to find Him and I want to hold on to Him with all I have within me.
It's really all about laying yourself bare and spilling your guts before the Almighty God of the Universe. He created each of us and everything we can see, feel, touch, smell and taste. It all started with Him and will end when He decides. It's really a very humbling realization to come to but comforting as well.
I was sitting in a high school cafeteria a few days ago with my husband while we were waiting for the next round of an academic competition to take place. Our daughter was there to participate in the regional competition, and during the lunch break we were just relaxing and enjoying the camaraderie of the students. As I was observing this very diverse group of teenagers that we were surrounded by I noticed one young man sitting in a window sill across the room. He caught my attention because he looked extremely uncomfortable. He was twisted and stretched. He was contorted in all directions reaching high as he craned his neck to lean as close to the window as he could possibly get. Several feet away from the closest group, I thought at first he was just trying to protect his privacy. But then I saw it. The cell phone!
The realization hit me as I watched him, just how silly he looked trying with all he had in him to get a good signal. I don't know who he was conversing with but I could imagine maybe a girlfriend or some other teenage VIP. I could not help but smile as he tried to balance himself on the ledge and lean toward the window swaying back and forth, stopping when he found a 'good spot'. The great lengths he went to and even the personal discomfort he endured to try to communicate completely oblivious to how ridiculous he looked while doing so.
After seeing this young person trying so hard to make a connection, I started watching others. There were many dancing similar jigs. Some had their hand in the air holding their phones and walking around trying to find a few extra bars of signal. Some even tried touching parts of the building structure hoping it would act as a conduit or antenna. It really was quite amazing and amusing to watch.
I noticed people at church and other faith-building meetings of the family of God exhibiting the same behavior. And I wondered, would they apply that same uninhibited freedom to their worship or communication with God? Some do, but most are too concerned with how it will look or what other people might think. Would their peers think them crazy if they stood up in church during worship, without being asked, and raised their hands in reverence to God? Would going to the altar to pray make them look weak? Would anyone think less of them or find them 'different' if they were freely speaking the Word of God and witnessing to the unsaved with the same single-minded fervor?
I only say these things because I have struggled with the same issues myself. There was a time when I wouldn't raise my hands to the Lord just because I didn't see many others doing so. There was a time when I was to shy to go forward and pray at the altar before, during or after church because I didn't want to be singled out. There was a time as well when I was too afraid to speak about Jesus and the profound impact He has had on my life to others.
The fact is that reconciling mankind with God is what Jesus died for. It is our legacy as children of the King. We are entitled to approach the Father because we have an open pathway to Him now thanks to Jesus. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'." John 14:6 NIV My desire is to be more audacious in my worship. I have come to recognize in recent years that God wants us to communicate with Him at all times and in all circumstances. I want to follow the edict in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray continually". I pray for courage and boldness to speak His truth to anyone who will listen and to do so in love and with compassion. I believe that if I search for Him with all my heart I will find Him because he promised "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13 I want to find Him and I want to hold on to Him with all I have within me.
It's really all about laying yourself bare and spilling your guts before the Almighty God of the Universe. He created each of us and everything we can see, feel, touch, smell and taste. It all started with Him and will end when He decides. It's really a very humbling realization to come to but comforting as well.
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