Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Lord is my portion

I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him."
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
for the salvation of the LORD.
Lamentations 3:24-26

"The Lord is my portion". What a profound statement. When we finally realize that all we ever need or could ever want is wrapped up and delivered to us in one almighty, all-knowing, graciously loving God. He will deliver us from the evil that surrounds us in this world. He will provide for our every need. He will sustain us emotionally, physically and spiritually if we seek Him with all of our hearts and let our hope rest in His capable hands. Even when what we hoped for is drastically different from what we have recieved, we must give him praise through the good and bad, happy or sorrow-filled moments in our lives. His grace is sufficient for us.
He asks very little of us: to trust and obey. It's not always the easy way or the popular way in today's culture, but it is the only path to an eternity with Jesus and the only real guide to peace, properity and happiness. Sometimes it is blatantly apparent to us, screaming at us in bright neon letters, what choices we should or should not make. Then there are also times when the only way to know His will is through quiet meditation and study in his word, listening for that still small voice to give you wisdom and guidance.
We, as it says above, must wait quietly on the salvation of the LORD. Waiting is not usually an easy thing for most of us and being quiet...hello, not going to happen often in my house. But we must be willing to set that time aside to sit quietly with our Father, and meditate on his word, waiting for him to speak to our hearts. A time of prayer, truly seeking him through bible study is the only way to fine tune your spiritual ears. When he does speak, we must trust that he knows best and obey his commands. Knowing his will but never following it makes no sense, and does not honor him.